Interior design by: Sarah Barnard - Photo by: Brad Nicol
Taking advantage of a natural light source by bringing light into a building interior and distributing it in a way that provides better illumination.
Modern technology allows the installation of the light piping system or laser cut panels to carry daylight to the deep interior space of a building, even to the basements. Such advanced techniques like the piping system can provide 25 - 50% (Kadir, A., Ismail, L.H. & Kasim, N) of the workplace illuminance in commercial or office building and overall reduce energy consumption. These light tubes act as a light transport guiding the light into the room, increasing the efficiency without producing extreme warmth. This phenomenon occurs because the design of the tube integrates highly reflective internal surfaces, like aluminum sheeting with a reflectance of about 95 - 99% (Kadir, A., Ismail, L.H. & Kasim, N).
Last but equally important, the furnishing choices have a significant impact on the environment and occupant’s health. Manufacturers can control the emission of volatile organic compounds by limiting the use of solvents in paints, stains, and glues. However, it is also the designers’ role to help their clients be more environmentally conscious with the furniture they choose. Purchasing the FSC certified or reclaimed wood helps to prevent the deforestation of tropical rainforests. Another example is in the choices of mattresses. The concern about what is in a mattress is essential. Not only because you spend a third of your life in bed but also because any product made with synthetic materials carries potential health risks. Because such items like mattresses, furniture cushions, pillows, carpet pad, and clothing, all contain a certain level, if not mainly, of petroleum-based foam, which is known to affect the nervous and immune system and cause illnesses. Therefore, lessening the dependence on petroleum is a commendable attempt. Manufacturers are experimenting with vegetable oils like soybean and latex foam producers are replacing some or all of the synthetic content for natural latex. The easiest way to be a responsible shopper is to choose a mattress that can function for an extended period.