Starting Slow: The Benefits of Mindful Design

Living Room with decorative lighting, and kintsugi-inspired custom fireplace

An exceptional bottle of wine, a decadent meal lovingly prepared from local organic goods, a beloved heirloom quilt, or an expertly crafted handbag can bring a sense of wonder, pleasure, and appreciation into our lives. These items feel special because of the joy and beauty they provide and the skill, expertise, and time devoted to creating an exceptional experience or product. Care and quality are often accompanied by time, which can contribute to the rarity, meaning, and preciousness of an item or experience. Artisan products generally include more thoughtful processes, from sourcing high-quality goods and materials to engaging skilled craftspeople. This considerate approach leads to finer results and often to more ethical production practices.

Bedroom with ornately carved furniture

In recent years, many of us have sought responsible options in response to our concerns about environmental, labor, and production impacts, seeking products and services that align with our personal ethos. The increasing demand for more thoughtful production and consumption led to the slow movement's popularity. Best known through the slow fashion movement, the "slow" approach intends to offer an alternative to fast production through a more thoughtful, beneficial, and considered approach, prioritizing ethical creation, consumption, and cradle-to-cradle technologies. The slow approach has also been popularized through the slow food movement, where similarly, all stages of the item's life cycle are considered, from the initial production steps to its use and the impact of any material remnants. This approach is often better for the environment, using processes that consider waste reduction and long-term consequences, and contributes to healthier lifestyles for those involved.

Slow interior design embraces a similar approach, applied to all stages of the design process. Sharing concerns around long-term sustainability and in an effort to make a positive impact both culturally and environmentally, slow interior design takes a more considered practice to the thoughtful planning of the home and the sourcing of materials. The immense benefits from slow design come from its holistic approach, through a slowly layered design process that focuses on long-term happiness over instant, but perhaps temporary gratification.

Living room with teal sofa and purple accents

Recognizing the joy our home objects bring us, slow design offers the opportunity to dress our homes with cherished pieces that recognize and integrate the process of creation into the design. For something like a beloved wooden dining room table that may serve as the hearth of the home, considering the time behind the growth and care for the trees, their thoughtful harvesting, and the craftsmanship behind building the table can impart a sense of gratitude, connectivity, and beauty to the daily dining experience. Slow design encourages production that celebrates and respects the entirety of the creation process by ensuring the material's longevity in the new context, in part by creating pieces intended for a lifetime of love. Planning for long-term use may require thoughtful sourcing of natural materials, enlisting a craftsperson with the skills to craft bespoke furnishings, and the necessary time and consideration to finalize a design that will withstand shifting preferences and needs.

Bathroom with grey, white, and gold marble surfaces, textured white tile, and floral lighting

Slow interior design is a trusted recipe for creating an heirloom home, slowly and thoughtfully crafted with mindful intent and enduring materials. The investment in time and well-crafted and considered materials offers the benefits of increased personalization, superior quality, and the luxury of careful decision-making. Collaborating with artisans to develop one-of-a-kind pieces and allowing the home design to germinate organically can create space for the unique building of personal style, crafting a home that feels wholly individual and grows with the residents.

Library with green marble fireplace, and dark wood walls, flooring, and decorative desk

Many artists and craftspeople cherish their work and are knowledgeable about their wares, which can be valuable when items eventually need repairing or updating. Because of the intimacy of working with artisans, many will be willing to adapt furnishings to match changing needs, saving the items from needing replacing while still navigating shifts in preferences. Over time, working with a craftsperson may provide insights into our tastes and style, allowing them to make suggestions or develop ideas tailored to us and our homes.

A custom entryway cabinet

Our homes can be an excellent reflection of ourselves, and treating them as works of art crafted with intentionality can be deeply personally fulfilling. An unhurried design approach expands opportunities for change and adaptation to daydream about the use of spaces or the look of an item and long-term goals for the home. Taking a thoughtful and deliberate path can build a sense of self, place, and a nurturing home environment, especially for those who may feel less decisive about their home goals. Taking time to craft our interiors also offers opportunities to envision the space and, in some cases, begin to experience them and adjust as needed.

A bedroom with a matilija poppy printed pillow

During the design process, artists can create 3D renderings to help realize possible directions for the space and help visualize how they may feel. If mulling over multiple options, seeing the rooms in renderings may help imagine the lived possibilities more vibrantly before committing to construction. While renderings take time to develop, they will ideally lead to contentment around decisions while helping eliminate the "what if feeling" about alternative design paths.

Rendering of a nature inspired bedroom

Designing with consideration towards all past, present, and future stages of materials and home can provide a holistic method of interior design, creating spaces that radiate with care and are deliberate reflections of self. Slow design embraces home as who we are, emphasizing spaces exquisitely crafted through a thoughtful and considered process for the betterment of our loved ones, our community, and the environment.

The slow design movement offers a pragmatic, joyful, and ethical approach, reflecting a shifting sentiment toward long-term happiness and collective wellbeing.

Sarah Barnard, WELL AP + LEED AP, is a leading designer of personalized, sustainable spaces that support mental, physical, and emotional wellbeing. An advocate for consciousness, inclusivity, and compassion in the creative process, Sarah’s work has been recognized by Architectural Digest, Elle Décor, Vogue, HGTV, and many other publications. In 2017 Sarah was recognized as a “Ones to Watch” Scholar by the American Society of Interior Designers (ASID).

Expanding our Senses: Designing Positive Spaces Where Neurodivergent Individuals can Thrive.

Designing interiors that are sensitive to the needs of neurodivergent individuals places emphasis on the sensory experience of a space, taking a deep dive into the objects and components of a room, examining how each of them works together to create inclusive, supportive, and healing spaces that encourage better living. A wellness-based and empathetic approach integrates design concepts informed by an understanding of the characteristics of the autism spectrum and sensory processing challenges to create environments that nurture the development of independence and enrich individual lives.

A  guest bedroom featuring neurodivergent home design overlooking the ocean with custom nightstands  and weighted blanket for ultimate comfort.

Sensory Processing Challenges affect how the brain processes sensory information, making an individual more sensitive to stimuli that others are not. It can affect one or all of the senses. "Current estimates indicate that 5% to 16.5% of the general population"(1) and 1 in 20 children(2) experience Sensory Processing Challenges. Individuals within the autism spectrum can be hypo-sensitive to stimuli (sensory seekers) or hyper-sensitive (sensory avoiders). Sensory seekers are less sensitive to sensory input than neurotypical individuals and often create their own sensory stimuli. In contrast, sensory avoiders are more sensitive and usually experience sensory input more intensely than neurotypical individuals.

Living area full of organic, textural and lush materials. A wall sculpture by Renae Barnard, titled ‘Aggregate Liberty’ sits above a custom furniture piece that was commissioned for the homeowner.

A recent publication, "Designing for Autism Spectrum Disorders," written by academics and educators Kristi Gaines, Angela Bourne, Michelle Pearson, and Mesha Kleibrink "draws on the latest research in the fields of environmental psychology and education to show how architecture and interior spaces can positively influence individuals with neuro diversities.”(3) Many studies and theories investigate the built environment's effect on us. Environmental Preference Theory is based on the idea that people prefer engaging and involving spaces rather than simple and boring ones. Engaging environments are essential for the self-actualization of individuals on the Autistic spectrum.

The Environment Behavior Theory states that behavior is a function of the person and their environment. This theory suggests that behavior comes from within an individual and is heavily influenced by the environment. This stresses the point that individuals on the Autistic spectrum should live in environments that are designed to support them positively. Architects and designers can help ease stress and irritation caused by incoming stimuli by creating organized, well-defined spaces that modify factors such as color, lighting, texture, sense of closure, acoustics, and ventilation, depending on the individual's needs.

A childs bedroom featuring lilac and white contrasting walls and custom bed with built in storage.

In 2019, the architectural firm HKS conducted a research project where they developed a sensory well-being hub for adolescents with developmental disabilities. One of their outcomes was that "Design should support a range of sensory stimulations, from active to respite, and across modalities."(4) "Designing for Autism Spectrum Disorders"(5) explores some ways in which spaces designed for children on the autistic spectrum can foster and encourage independence. The ideal home environment for a child on the autistic spectrum considers how to accommodate sensory needs and help prepare them for challenges they may face in everyday life as they grow. Including children in the decision-making and consulting about their preferences and needs is an important part of the process that helps them self-actualize and consider incorporating particular objects/subjects they are interested in into some aspects of the design of their home. Design elements that improve an individual's ability to navigate a space can foster empowerment and independence. Some of these include: Clear sight lines for wayfinding, definable forms, and surfaces; Contrasting colors or textures to indicate the intersections of spaces; Clarifying the intent of visibility through color, contrast, and placement; Creating a sequencing of spaces.

"Designing for Autism Spectrum Disorders"(6) suggests that spaces laid out in orderly and predictable ways can create an environment that enables individuals within the autism spectrum to thrive. For sensory-seekers, creating spaces that encourage play in which they can touch, feel, taste, and smell that contain open spaces with unobstructed views for easy parental/adult supervision creates a space where they can learn what is safe while still being themselves.

Bedroom design for an autistic child which features a custom built in bunk bed that can be closed off by curtains for extra privacy.

The compartmentalization of spaces is also recommended because dedicated space for specific activities can help maintain daily routines. Think about dividing areas into zones, each with only one function or activity, so that individuals begin associating activity with a particular area, easing the transition between activities, protecting routine patterns, promoting predictability, and improving wayfinding. Open spaces can be organized using furniture arrangements, colors, and finishes. Consider creating a distinguishable difference between sleeping/study and play areas. For example, "inactive" spaces are bedrooms or quiet living areas where a child can sleep or do homework. "Active" spaces allow the child to explore and play freely. Also, consider making adequate storage available in every room to ease stress over environmental changes, such as when an item is moved from one place to another. Items can be stored in bins, baskets, boxes, or drawers instead of open shelves.

Butterfly decals on a window looking out at a garden, providing ample natural light to the space

A child with hypo-sensitivity (sensory seekers) can frequently only see the outlines of objects, cannot visually perceive the texture or weight of objects, and often loves bright colors and sunlight.(7) Some design practices suggested in "Designing for Autism Spectrum Disorders" concerning space planning for sensory seekers include considering the use of contrasting colors to increase visibility. For example, painting walls in different colors can help the individual distinguish the room's corners. Walls can also be a different/contrasting color than the furniture, etc., to help the child to see them in space. Painting borders around a door a different color from the walls can also help distinguish doorways and improve wayfinding.

Lighting systems that incorporate different/changing colors and the quality of light selected can benefit individuals with photosensitivity. Consider the impacts of LED or fluorescent light and utilize indirect light within the space. Window coverings or window films can help to regulate light effectively and create a calming space.

Autistic child bedroom design featuring a stuffed toy sitting on a series of pillows made from different textured fabrics.

Engaging in "hands-on" work is also important for sensory seekers because it provides tactile connections and positive sensory feedback, helping individuals develop a deeper connection to what is happening in the environment around them. Furniture with different textures can provide tactile sensory satisfaction, as do soft environments. Factor in furniture and finishes that are durable and easy to clean. Weighted blankets can aid in creating a calming experience and be custom designed in natural and organic materials.

Autistic child bedroom design featuring  a shag pile rug which helps to insulate the space from environmental noise.

It is also important to consider the acoustic qualities of a space when designing for children on the autistic spectrum. Think about using soft materials that absorb noise in an area designed for children with hypo-sensitivity. Soundproofing and avoiding hard surfaces on walls, floors, and ceilings can reduce noise and reverberation. Acoustic wall tiles could also be helpful.

Stairs with a custom, laser cut railing, designed with a Queen Anne’s lace pattern, a plant beloved by butterflies and bees.

It is also essential for designers to think beyond the five senses. Proprioceptive and Vestibular senses are often described as "hidden" or "inside" senses. Proprioceptive senses relate to our body awareness, where our body parts are, and how to coordinate them with actions such as holding, pushing, pulling, or lifting(8), while Vestibular senses relate to balance and bodily position, which help us move smoothly through space.(9) "Designing for Autism Spectrum Disorders"(10) suggests ways in which neurodivergent experiences of the Proprioceptive and Vestibular senses can be accommodated through design. Ensure that stairs are easy to navigate by applying different materials, textures, and senses that will help the individual connect their thoughts and feelings to where they are in space. Consider including only rounded edges within the space and making transitions between different floor levels and surfaces obvious using contrasting floor materials such as carpet, wood, contrasting finishes, and colors. Interiors made up of defined forms and shapes that profile the perimeter of a space can also help a person overcome these challenges. Floor and ceiling moldings to outline the perimeter of the space at the floor and ceiling level can provide spatial clarity. Hammocks, rocking chairs, and swings can also accommodate a hypo-sensitive individual's desire to move constantly.

Creating an environment that manages and eases stress is essential. Biophilia is our innate desire to connect with nature. Studies have shown that incorporating natural elements into the home (through color, material, imagery, etc.) makes them more appealing to us and brings some of the health benefits of spending time outdoors into the home. Natural imagery such as clouds, a bright blue sky, or bright yellow sunlight can appeal to hypo-sensitive needs. Access to nature, healing gardens (plants/garden activities on patio/balcony), and symbols of nature can contribute to reducing stress, and studies suggest that direct experiences of nature can enhance cognitive processing.(11) Creating a small garden can contribute to the child's well-being by improving a sense of self-worth, providing different tactile and visual experiences, and acting as a direct source of nature. A water fountain or bird feeder can also contribute to the child's development, providing sensory or tactile satisfaction through natural elements.(12)

An empathic, holistic, and mindful approach to interior design encourages us to expand our sensory understanding of the world, reconsidering our experience of space, color, and material to promote authentic living, empowerment, and wellness amongst diverse individuals.

Sarah Barnard is a WELL and LEED accredited designer and creator of environments that support mental, physical and emotional wellbeing. She creates highly personalized, restorative spaces that are deeply connected to art and the preservation of the environment. An advocate for consciousness, inclusivity, and compassion in the creative process, Sarah has appeared in Architectural Digest, Elle Décor, Vogue, HGTV and many other publications. In 2017 Sarah was recognized as a "Ones to Watch" Scholar by the American Society of Interior Designers (ASID).


  1. Miller, Lucy Jane, et al. “Identification of Sensory Processing and Integration Symptom Clusters: A Preliminary Study.” Occupational Therapy International, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 16 Nov. 2017, %20indicate%20that%205,(ADHD)%20%5B4%5D.
  2. Lumiere Children's Therapy. “Child Therapy: Understanding Sensory Processing Disorder.” Lumiere Children's Therapy, Lumiere Children's Therapy, 26 Feb. 2018,
  3. Gaines, Kristi, et al. Designing for Autism Spectrum Disorders. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2018.
  4. Nanda, Upali, et al. “Sensory Well-Being for Adolescents with Developmental Disabilities: Creating (and Testing) a Sensory Well-Being Hub.” HKS Architects, 26 Oct. 2022,
  5. Gaines, Kristi, et al. Designing for Autism Spectrum Disorders. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2018.
  6. Gaines, Kristi, et al. Designing for Autism Spectrum Disorders. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2018.
  7. Gaines, Kristi, et al. Designing for Autism Spectrum Disorders. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2018.
  8. SC;, Proske U;Gandevia. “The Proprioceptive Senses: Their Roles in Signaling Body Shape, Body Position and Movement, and Muscle Force.” Physiological Reviews, U.S. National Library of Medicine,
  9. The Vestibular System - Neuroscience - NCBI Bookshelf.
  10. Gaines, Kristi, et al. Designing for Autism Spectrum Disorders. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2018.
  11. Stenfors, Cecilia U D, et al. “Positive Effects of Nature on Cognitive Performance across Multiple Experiments: Test Order but Not Affect Modulates the Cognitive Effects.” Frontiers in Psychology, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 3 July 2019,
  12. Yanez, Ruddy E., and Bronwyn S. Fees. “Preschool Children’s Biophilia and Attitudes toward Nature: The Effect of Personal Experiences.” International Journal of Early Childhood Environmental Education, vol. 5, no. 1, 2017, pp. 57–67.


  1. Designing Inclusive Healthcare Spaces to Support Neurodiverse Populations.
  2. HKS HKS is a global firm of architects, et al. “How to Build a Sensory Well-Being Hub and Sensory Cocoon: An Open Source Instruction Guide.” HKS Architects, 26 Oct. 2022,
  3. “American Society of Interior Designers: ASID.” Impact of Design Series, Vol. 9,

Emerging Kitchen and Bath Trends for Wellness-Focused Sustainable Design

Smart home sustainability and wellness are in focus for kitchen and bathroom design. The annual Kitchen and Bath Industry Show (KBIS) welcomed interior designers, architects, kitchen and bath designers, custom home builders, and remodelers to get an early look at the kitchen and bath design trends that will rise in popularity in the coming year. This year's exhibition highlighted key trends, including bold colors and enhanced wellness features. There are many ways to refresh our kitchen and bath spaces, whether it's time for a complete remodel, fresh paint colors, or a new appliance to improve our daily lives.

A bathroom tiled with bright orange tiles

Bold Colors: Embracing the power of color in kitchens and bathrooms was widely featured in creative displays. While cool tones are a more traditional choice, warm mid-century era shades are still in vogue, with an emphasis on color blocking to add a layer of interest.

Essential Oil Showers: Aromatherapy systems were abundantly on display. Showers can be transformed into a spa-like experience with the use of aromatherapy systems that inspire ritual through the use of essential oil mists.

A detail shot of custom wood bathroom cabinet, with textured grey bathroom tile, bowl sink with stone faucet.

Cradle to Cradle Certification: Interior designers showed increased interest in human-made stone comprised of recycled materials, with the Cradle to Cradle certification as a quarried stone alternative for countertops and shower walls.

Water Smart: From shower systems designed to prevent water waste by capturing, cleaning, and recycling excess shower water to wireless soil sensors for sprinkler systems that can calculate how much water a garden needs, sustainability remains a top priority in home design.

A kitchen featuring custom blue cabinetry

Clutter-Free Home: Sleek appliance options such as a touchpad induction cooktop allow for a simple, clutter-free kitchen by omitting burner grates and range control knobs. Ultra-modern shower setups with wireless touchpad controls and personalized temperature settings focus on function and form without bulky plumbing fixtures.

A bathroom featuring blue tiled walls, blue flooring and custom cabinetry.

Sensible Style: Functionality and beautiful design belong together. Chef sinks can be a practical yet aesthetic design choice that allows food prep and cleaning accessories to be in one place. Stylish and versatile, chef sinks are an ideal option for those with smaller kitchens who prefer spending more time cooking and less time cleaning. 

The annual Kitchen and Bath Industry Show gives attendees a glance into what technologies and trends will emerge in the upcoming year. As we look ahead, the spotlight is shining on all things colorful, wellness-centered, sustainable, and functional.

Sarah Barnard, WELL AP + LEED AP is a leading designer of personalized, sustainable spaces that support mental, physical, and emotional well being. She creates highly personalized, restorative spaces that are deeply connected to art and the preservation of the environment. An advocate for consciousness, inclusivity, and compassion in the creative process, Sarah has appeared in Architectural Digest, Elle Décor, Vogue, HGTV, and many other publications. In 2017 Sarah was honored as a "Ones to Watch" Scholar by the American Society of Interior Designers (ASID).

Sarah Barnard Design wins Best of Houzz Design for 2023

2023 Best of houzz Design logo

Sarah Barnard has been awarded the Best of Houzz Design for 2023 for the 7th consecutive year. The Best of Houzz Design awards celebrates home designers whose work was the most popular on the Houzz website the previous year, as determined through user engagement and idea book saves.

A light and airy entryway featuring two Geranium wall sconces.

A unique project featured on the Sarah Barnard Houzz Profile titled West Coast Wellness centers on incorporating biophilic design to create a home that combines wellness, sustainability, and luxury. Pollination is a cohesive concept included throughout the house in a series of visual signifiers and motifs, such as moths, bees, and flowers, to reflect the owner's passion for nature as an environmentalist and naturalist.

A light and airy wellness room with white exposed beams in the ceiling, arch shaped windows overlooking the ocean, wooden floor boards, yoga mats and pillows

A popular feature of this home is the Wellness room. Sarah's minimalist approach and use of fine but simple materials create a calm space dedicated to mindfulness and relaxation.

A light and airy living room with white exposed wood beams, a bespoke grey concrete fireplace with copper inlay design and a large oval light fixture made out of Washi paper.

A unique custom feature of this home is the bespoke concrete fireplace with a copper inlay. This sculptural mantle is inspired by Japanese Kintsugi pottery, the practice of repairing broken pottery with metal staples, gold, or gold/lacquer compound so that the repairs integrate as a design element with the object. This reference makes a poetic connection between the house's architecture and the ethos of sustainable practices such as repairing objects and recycling materials.

An image of a light and bright the kitchen looking into the family room, stone countertops were custom made for the height of he owner, light grey cabinets and hardwood floors.

This home also incorporates practical features such as custom counter heights and additional cold food storage (concealed by cabinetry in the kitchen) that create a level of ergonomic ease when utilizing the space and supports lifestyle goals of sustainability and self-sufficiency.

Dining room featuring grey textured wall with inbuilt gas fireplace, wood flooring, custom wood dining table, Cherner chairs and hand made white porcelain illuminated Ginko leaf sculpture hanging from the ceiling

Sarah's popularity on Houzz is a testament to her talent as a designer. Alongside being awarded back-to-back wins for Best of Houzz Design spanning back to 2017, her profile has also been awarded several Houzz badges, including Star Houzzer, the Influencer Award, and the Recommended on Houzz badge.

A graphic displaying Houzz awards won by Sarah Barnard Design.

As a WELL & LEED accredited interior designer, Sarah Barnard takes an empathetic approach to home design that focuses on wellness and sustainability. Her innovative designs meet individuals where they are, facilitating an expression of their authentic selves that sparks joy and encourages wellness in day-to-day life.

Sarah Barnard, WELL AP + LEED AP, is a leading designer of personalized, sustainable spaces that support mental, physical, and emotional wellbeing. She creates highly personalized, restorative spaces that are deeply connected to art and the preservation of the environment. An advocate for consciousness, inclusivity, and compassion in the creative process, Sarah has appeared in Architectural Digest, Elle Décor, Vogue, HGTV, and many other publications. In 2017 Sarah was honored as a “Ones to Watch” Scholar by the American Society of Interior Designers (ASID).

Coastal Calm: An open, airy, beachside retreat

Image of a living room that features a blue and cream rug, deep blue velvet sofa and sold coffee table made from umber eucalyptus and a stone slab.

There’s no doubt that living within proximity to the ocean can encourage joy and wellness. (1)  The effect that this calm and serene environment has on us can be reflected within our homes through a choice of natural materials that echo the beauty of an oceanscape. Whether it be the beautiful finish of polished stone in the kitchen or custom cabinetry and furniture made from quality sourced wood these materials can create a living environment in which luxury, wellness, and practicality coexist.

Image of an entryway featuring lagre white built-in closets and a niche with a table and lamp.

The foyer of this home project features a wash of built-in closet space that creates a light, fresh and welcoming entry. The niche between closets contains a large mirror, side table, and lamp made from brass with a deep bronze finish. The lamp's base, made from solid Murano glass has a geometric form and a deep topaz finish, reminiscent of a cut gemstone.

Image of a kitchen which features white custom cabinetry, white and grey stone countertops and backsplash and brass finish fixtures.

The kitchen incorporates a white and grey polished marble slab into the countertops, breakfast bar, and backsplash. White kitchen cabinets complement the polished marble to create a feeling of lightness and joy in the space. The natural finish of the custom European white oak flooring evokes the tones of driftwood that has been formed and fashioned by the ocean, which embeds a feeling of lightness and freshness within the material. The satin gold finish of the faucet and the satin brass finish of the cabinet hardware create accents that lift this warmth from the flooring throughout the room.

Image of a kitchen which features white custom cabinetry that incorporated appliances and a wine fridge, white and grey stone countertops and backsplash.

This view presents the other side of the kitchen where a grey and white polished marble slab creates an immersive backsplash and countertop with an integrated stove top. The white kitchen cabinetry incorporates various appliances, including an oven and wine fridge.

Image of a living room that features a blue and cream rug, deep blue velvet sofa and sold coffee table made from umber eucalyptus and a stone slab.

The living room of this home project presents a light and airy palette of white and blue, which blend together within a hand-knotted wool & silk area rug. The deep blue sofa upholstered in velvet evokes a calm and soothing environment through color and tactility. This blue space beckons bodies of water outside. The solid coffee table made from eucalyptus with a satin stone slab inlay creates a textural contrast that grounds the room. Rift white oak is used to create custom-built shelving and storage that surrounds the entertainment center, cladding the wall with its straight grain which provides a subtle contrast to the European white oak flooring.

Image of a dining room overlooking the ocean featuring a brown dining set, large mirror and glass pendant chandelier.

The dining room incorporates a warm brown palette through brown leather dining chairs with chrome metal accents. The brown and white credenza complements the tones of the dining set while also providing concealed storage options. The large framed mirror reflects the oceanscape outside, bringing it within the room. This mirror also creates a feeling of lightness as it reflects the round bright light of the clear crystal glass multi-pendant chandelier that resembles bubbles rolling on waves and generates a feeling of buoyancy above the dining room table.

Image of a bunk room featuring two wall beds and a desk in between.

The bunk room of this home project features a custom built-in desk and shelves made from rift white oak. The desk is flanked on either side by single wall beds that pull out from the cabinetry to reveal decorative wallpaper that features a stripe design comprised of pheasant feathers and matte gold adjustable wall sconces, perfect for when guests come to stay.

Image of the bunk room with the beds stowed away so that it can be use das a study.

This view presents the guest beds stowed away in custom-made cabinetry, allowing this room to be used for movement and a quiet workspace when guests are not present.

Image of a guest bathroom featuring a beige honed limestone floor and walls, custom cabinetry made from rift white oak and sculptural wall sconces made from brushed metal and onyx.

This option for the guest bathroom features a harmonious beige honed limestone finish which tiles the floor, wall, and shower. The warm palette of the stone is complimented by custom cabinetry made from rift white oak with a polished quartzite countertop. The even glow of light emanating from the wall sconces made from brushed metal and onyx creates a subtle contrast through the beautiful natural veining of the stone that shines through its elegant, architectural form. The satin gold finish of the hardware throughout the bathroom and cabinetry creates chic highlights within these warm tones.

Alternative view of the guest bathroom which shows the shower which is clad in beige honed limestone

This view highlights the beige honed limestone finish which wraps around the interior of the shower. The Polished Quartzite countertop of the bathroom cabinets creates a subtle contrast to the warmth of the stone used on the floor, walls, and shower.

A view of the primary bedroom which incorporates materials from around the home featuring a grey upholstered bedframe and custom built-in wardrobe made from rift white oak.

The primary bedroom incorporates a combination of colors and textures found throughout the house. The upholstered bed and wool carpeting creates a light and welcoming atmosphere that is grounded by the deep, royal walnut side tables. The custom honey-toned built-in wardrobe made from rift white oak contains large mirrored doors which alongside their practical function, capture the ocean view.

Primary bathroom featuring beige honed limestone floor, rift white oak cabinetry, polished quartzite stone countertop and hand-polished brass wall sconces with lead crystal shades.

The primary bathroom for this home project is tiled with beige honed limestone on the floor and within the shower.  These warm tones evoke the palette and texture of a sand dune and are complimented by the rift white oak bathroom cabinetry, polished quartzite stone countertop, and backsplash. Hand-polished brass wall sconces with a lead crystal shade create soft lighting within the room.

Alternative view of primary bathroom that shows the custom-built shower made from beige honed limestone.

This view showcases the beige honed limestone that extends into a custom-built shower, to create an immersive warm environment. Satin gold hardware gleams to create vibrant highlights throughout the bathroom.

Primary bathroom featuring beige honed limestone floor, rift white oak cabinetry, polished quartzite stone countertop and hand-polished brass wall sconces with lead crystal shades.

A screen of beige honed limestone was added to the side of the bathroom cabinets, adding privacy and extra room for the placement of satin gold hand towel hardware.

Alternative view of primary bathroom that shows the custom-built shower made from beige honed limestone.

This view of the primary bathroom features a beige honed limestone finish that extends from the floor into the custom-built shower. These warm tones are complimented by the wood finish of the rift white oak bathroom cabinets which feature a polished quartzite stone countertop and backsplash.

This alternative view of the primary bathroom showcases extra cabinet space that is afforded by relocating the toilet to next to the shower.

A turn in the vanity creates extra cabinet and counter space for storage.

The variations presented for this home project demonstrate the myriad of ways in which natural materials such as wood and stone can be utilized within the home to create luxurious and practical surroundings. Bringing in the fresh, serene qualities of the surrounding oceanscape to create space that enhances day-to-day living.

Sarah Barnard, WELL AP + LEED AP, is a leading designer of personalized, sustainable spaces that support mental, physical, and emotional wellbeing. She creates highly personalized, restorative spaces that are deeply connected to art and the preservation of the environment. An advocate for consciousness, inclusivity, and compassion in the creative process, Sarah has appeared in Architectural Digest, Elle Décor, Vogue, HGTV, and many other publications. In 2017 Sarah was honored as a “Ones to Watch” Scholar by the American Society of Interior Designers (ASID).

Work Cited

  1. “Blue Spaces: Why Time Spent near Water Is the Secret of Happiness.” The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 3 Nov. 2019,

Rewilding: Reconnecting our hearts and homes to nature

Matilija Poppy Romneya coulteri

Matilija Poppy (Romneya coulteri)

Rewilding has become a popular way in which we can reconnect with nature by restoring the native flora and fauna around our homes. This process has the potential to create a patchwork of thriving biodiversity within our neighborhoods that provides sanctuary and passage for pollinators and native wildlife. Rewilded environments also have an effect on us, they reconnect us by bringing the beautiful gift of nature directly to us every day. We can adopt this concept of rewilding within ourselves and within our homes, to create a living space that is a true reflection of what we want our inner world to be.

desert cottontail rabbit (Sylvilagus audubonii

desert cottontail (Sylvilagus audubonii)

The term rewilding is usually associated with “restoring an area of land to its natural uncultivated state”(1) and is most commonly associated with yards and gardens. Some steps in the process of rewilding include, replacing your lawn with native and non-invasive species to create a meadow, adding bird boxes, bird feeders, or a water feature. Rewilding has become a popular option for home gardens as it is also eco-friendly. Planting native plants and embracing where they decide to grow alongside replacing herbicides and pesticides with natural solutions restore the natural habitat and biodiversity of local neighborhoods, attract pollinators and create sanctuary and corridors for wildlife to safely travel through urban environments.

Great Southern White Butterfly (Ascia monuste)

Great Southern White Butterfly (Ascia monuste)

There is a growing consensus that rewilding can benefit us as well. In contemporary life, we can often feel disconnected from the natural world and see it as something separate from us. But the natural world is our world, and we are reminded of this every time we immerse ourselves in it. Rewilding brings nature to our homes for us to enjoy every day. Fostering an ecosystem and connecting with nature even through something as simple as watching the birds and animals in our yard cultivates mindfulness and joy. The process of rewilding also encourages us to let go of ideas of perfection embodied by a perfectly manicured garden and embrace the beauty of a natural, wild landscape.

Golden haired Inkcap Mushroom (Parasola auricoma)

a variety of Parasola mushroom

Rewilding your garden can also act as a “social pollinator”(2), that encourages engagement and conversation with your neighbors and others in the community, creating another form of connection and belonging.

A beautiful sculpture made from dried California native plants such as Santa Cruz Island Buckwheat and White Sage hangs above the bed frame, crafted from sustainably harvested solid oak, reinforcing the connection with the natural landscape outside.

a beautiful sculpture made from dried California native plants such as Santa Cruz Island Buckwheat and White Sage hangs above the bed frame, crafted from sustainably harvested solid oak,  reinforcing the connection with the natural landscape outside.

But why stop at rewilding your garden? This concept can also be applied to our interiors, to create a home that uniquely supports us in the ways that we want to live. Like a rewilded garden, an interior world that is wild and free from self-judgments or preconceived ideas influenced by social media or design norms uncovers what we truly need our living spaces to be. It's most beneficial to design a home that uniquely supports you in the ways that you live and the things that you do. Creating a three-dimensional portrait of your best authentic self, past present future can help us live our best life, inspiring feelings of contentment, joy, and mindfulness.

Five tips for Rewilding your home:

  1. One of the ways in which we can embrace the concept of rewilding within our home is through biophilic design. Biophilia is the “innate human instinct to connect with nature and other living beings”(3) and can be incorporated into our home design through materials and imagery of the natural world.
A kitchen featuring custom grey cabinets, white and grey marble countertops and island specified to  reach the clients ideal height for food preparation.


  1. Similar to how a rewilded garden is free to grow unconstrained by its surrounding environment, ergonomic design can be integrated into our homes to custom craft interiors that uniquely fit us and how we utilize space. This can range from something as simple as customizing the height of kitchen countertops, bespoke furniture or bedding, and wall switch locations to sensory considerations such as environmental sounds, tactility, and color choice.
Bird photography, artwork by Renae Barnard

artwork by Renae Barnard hangs above a custom concrete fireplace.

  1. Displaying art or a collection of treasured objects is a beautiful and meaningful way in which we can reflect our interests and passions, creating emotional experiences and mindful spaces throughout our homes.
A white walled wellness room with high ceilings, minimal wood furniture, yoga mats and meditation pillows.


  1. The concept of rewilding can also be adopted to create an interior that reflects our core beliefs or contributes to the achievement of lifestyle goals. This can take the form of choosing eco-friendly or vegan materials, installing sustainable infrastructure and appliances, or creating a dedicated meditation space.
a bird painting by Kaoru Mansour hanging above a custom table made in collaboration with a local artisan.

painting by Kaoru Mansour and custom table made in collaboration with a local artisan.

  1. Choosing an interior designer who adopts an empathetic approach to guide you through the process of rewilding your home is essential. Someone who will meet you where you are, and create innovative ideas that are designed uniquely for you.

The concept of rewilding has taken off in popularity partially because people are craving to reconnect with nature by cultivating and restoring habitat around their homes. It makes sense to adopt the concept of rewinding to reconnect with ourselves also, outside of the pressures and expectations of social media and design magazines. Then we discover what truly brings us joy within our homes is an expression of our authentic selves, free from judgment.

Sarah Barnard, WELL AP + LEED AP, is a leading designer of personalized, sustainable spaces that support mental, physical, and emotional wellbeing. She creates highly personalized, restorative spaces that are deeply connected to art and the preservation of the environment. An advocate for consciousness, inclusivity, and compassion in the creative process, Sarah has appeared in Architectural Digest, Elle Décor, Vogue, HGTV, and many other publications. In 2017 Sarah was honored as a “Ones to Watch” Scholar by the American Society of Interior Designers (ASID).


  1. Anderton, Frances. “'Rewilding' the Land Brings Back Birds, Bees, Butterflies: Greater La.” KCRW, KCRW, 21 Apr. 2022,
  2. Anderton, Frances. “'Rewilding' the Land Brings Back Birds, Bees, Butterflies: Greater La.” KCRW, KCRW, 21 Apr. 2022,

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The Natural World Within Luxury Home Design.

We can harness the beauty of nature within our homes in subtle and luxurious ways. Material and form combine within this home project to capture components of a beautiful experience within nature, such as the golden glory of a sunrise, a leaf floating in the wind, or the fresh lightness of bubbles in the ocean.

Image of a bedroom with a bed that has a dusty pink wrap around headboard, pastel colored abstract painting and grey custom sofa. A decorative light fixture featuring hand blown orbs is suspended from a decorative alcove in the ceiling.

The primary bedroom for this home project features a dusty pink color palette in the upholstered headboard, rug, sofa cushions, and drapes. This color scheme, reflected in the large abstract painting that hangs beside the bed, works harmoniously with the tones of a recessed architectural feature in the ceiling. A dramatic pendant chandelier made from hand-blown textured glass and brass hangs in this recess. Inspired by organic shapes and textures of the sea, it resembles bubbles floating elegantly in space. The wrap-around upholstered headboard creates a sense of privacy and comfort. To balance this expanse of upholstery, the exposed timber bed frame made from Danish oiled walnut gives the bed a feeling of lightness within the room.

This alternative view of the main bedroom features a hand tufted silk rug underneath the bed frame made form danish oiled walnut. Two rectangular wall sconces made from frosted glass hang either side of an ornate tiled fireplace.

This view of the primary bedroom showcases the fireplace and ornate closets. A hand-tufted silk rug breaks up the darker tones of the Danish oiled walnut bed frame and hardwood floor. Rectangular, wall sconces made from glass and metal hang on either side of the fireplace; the fog finish glass produces a warm, diffused light within the room.

This final view of the main bedroom features a grey custom curved sofa behind a black and white marble coffee table next to the fireplace

In this option, the black and white marble coffee table creates a dramatic focal point underneath the draped chains of the hand-blown glass chandelier. These darker tones, alongside the grey textile of the custom curved sofa, create a point of contrast that grounds the dusty pink highlights around the room.

A luxurious dressing room that features custom built in closet with glass doors, vanity and shelving made from quartzite. Chair and vanity bench made from soft boucle with bronze legs.

A spare bedroom is transformed into a luxurious dressing room. A fantastical space dedicated to preparing for special events and the display of treasured fashion items.

This option for the dressing room features a custom built-in vanity, closet, and shelving. The closet features glass doors flanked on either side by multiple shelves that create a retail-like environment. The shelving and vanity countertop is made from a beautiful slab of Quartzite, which harmonizes with the tone of the custom-built island in the center of the room. This island features a framed glass top and bronze base. Bronze accents carry throughout the space in the vanity chair's cast legs, the drawer hardware's bronze patina, and the hand-cast satin bronze legs of the vanity bench. The generous, plush seat of the vanity chair is upholstered in Boucle, providing a soft, luxurious, and inviting texture. These seating options are tied together with a plush, faux sheepskin area rug whose thick pile and organic shape bring warmth and softness to the floor.

This alternative view of the dressing room showcases ample shelving made from a beautiful quartzite slab, which also frames a custom wall mirror. The chandelier resembles flower buds is made from abbey hand blown glass.

The chandelier presented in this option for the dressing room is a series of organic shapes that resemble flower buds, made from hand-blown glass and metal. The amber tone of the glass ties in nicely with the vanity drawers made from Danish oiled walnut. The custom-made wall mirror features a honed stone inset and brass frame, which connects with the material elements of the vanity counter and shelving throughout the room.

This final view of the dressing room showcases more shelving made from a beautiful quartzite slab and a large floor mirror framed in iron with an antique brass finish as if browsing a luxury boutique.

This viewpoint of the dressing room features a floor mirror with an iron frame and antique brass finish, as well as additional built-in shelving to display shoes and accessories as if browsing in a luxury boutique.

Image of a bedroom with a bed that has a dusty pink wrap around headboard, an abstract painting and grey custom sofa. A decorative light fixture featuring beveled metalic shapes that r is suspended from a decorative alcove in the ceiling.

In this option for the primary bedroom, the color scheme of the headboard, sofa, cushions, and drapes is a lighter, creamier shade of pink. The shape of the gold-polished stainless steel suspension lamp, which hangs from the decorative recess in the ceiling, is reminiscent of floating abstract leaves. The hammered patina of this fixture creates a plant-like texture that gently reflects light around the room. The bronze wall sconce above the bed also features a subtle texture that resembles the imprint of a leaf. Its golden oval is mirrored in the colors and shapes of the abstract painting that hangs beside the bed.

This alternative view of the main bedroom features a hand tufted rug with a subtle floral pattern underneath the bed frame made form danish oiled walnut. Two oval wall sconces made from bronze hang either side of an ornate tiled fireplace.

Here, the hand-tufted rug has a subtle rose tint that harmonizes with the room's lighter, creamy pink highlights. It also features a faint decorative floral pattern that echoes the botanical influence of the leaf-shaped suspension lamp and textured wall sconces.

This final view of the main bedroom features a grey custom curved sofa behind a black and white marble coffee table next to the fireplace

This view features golden oval wall sconces on either side of the fireplace; their bronze patina reflects a warm, rich light reminiscent of a sunrise. This light is captured by the textured surface of the leaf-shaped gold polished stainless steel suspension lamp, creating a warm golden glow throughout the room.

A luxurious dressing room that features custom built in closet with glass doors, art deco dressing table made from leather, walnut and brass, Chair and vanity bench made from soft boucle.

This option for the dressing room replaces the exposed shelving with a fully enclosed custom-built closet with glass doors. The island in the center of the room has a green tint and brass base, which ties in with the brass accents in the art deco dressing table and the soft gold legs of the creamy boucle bench. Incorporating leather alongside walnut and brass in the dressing table creates a pleasing tactility that softens the hardness of the other materials. This softness carries through in the vanity chair, which is upholstered in bouclé fabric and features a vast circular backrest.

This alternative view of the dressing room showcases ample shelving made from a beautiful quartzite slab. The circular pendant chandelier features unique, handmade slabs of clear glass with abstract white swirls within them.

In this option for the dressing room, the circular pendant chandelier features unique, handmade slabs of clear glass with abstract white swirls within them. Each piece of glass looks organic, mirroring the room's round white shapes. The custom-built shelves that wrap around the corner of the closet are made from a beautiful Onyx slab, whose natural pattern echoes the smoky white swirls of the glass chandelier.

This final view of the dressing room showcases more shelving made from a beautiful quartzite slab and a large floor mirror framed in bone, antique brass-finished metal and mango wood to give the feeling of browsing a luxury boutique.

This option visualizes how the glass doors of the custom closet provide another source of light within the room. This lightness continues in a large floor mirror framed in bone, antique brass-finished metal, and mango wood.

Concepts and materials from the natural world often bring mindfulness and contentment into our homes. With this can also come luxury, creating a dream level of comfort and style that brings glamour and excitement into our everyday experience of a space.

Sarah Barnard, WELL AP + LEED AP, is a leading designer of personalized, sustainable spaces that support mental, physical, and emotional wellbeing. She creates highly personalized, restorative spaces that are deeply connected to art and the preservation of the environment. An advocate for consciousness, inclusivity, and compassion in the creative process, Sarah has appeared in Architectural Digest, Elle Décor, Vogue, HGTV, and many other publications. In 2017 Sarah was honored as a “Ones to Watch” Scholar by the American Society of Interior Designers (ASID).

Ergonomic Home Design: the New Standard of Luxury Living

A close up image of a desk top that contains a wooden opposable artist figure, pencils and geoeds.

Our home should reflect who we are as a unique individual. Bespoke design creates an interior environment that is made specifically for us, customized to our particular aesthetic tastes as well as our physical and emotional needs. Customizing functional elements of our homes can positively affect our physical bodies and emotional well- being, limiting daily stress and improving our quality of life.

A Yoga and meditation room featuring a wood floor, white exposed beams and a series of arch windows overlooking the ocean.


Our studio practice embodies these principles by approaching our clients with a sense of inclusiveness and sensitivity that allows ample space to voice their needs. We make an effort to interview all family members to custom craft a home that uniquely fits them and the way they utilize space. These homes often reflect a client's personal philosophy and can contribute to the achievement of their lifestyle goals. This can take the form of creating a soothing bedroom space, yoga or meditation room, or choosing vegan materials. A home that reflects who we truly are contributes to an environment of comfort, support, and peace that promotes joy and wellness in everyday life.

A home office wih a view overlooking the ocean, and a large day bed.

furniture can be customized to our specific bodily scale and physical needs.

Ergonomic design, simply put, is people-focused design. Design that considers how we interact with an object or a space. Commonly associated with the functionality of workspaces and productivity (office chairs, desks, etc.), ergonomics can enrich our home lives through thoughtful, custom design. Our surroundings should be shaped to benefit us, and we shouldn't have to adapt or change ourselves to fit into our surroundings.

Grey bathroom cabinets with 2 sinks and cabinetry either side.

the scale and placement of cabinetry, lighting and counter height all contribute to personalized comfort in the home.

Thoughts on the scale and proportion of the body and how this relates to our built environment date back to ancient Rome with the architect Vitruvius who argued that "buildings should be based on the symmetry and proportion of the human form. (1)" In 1948, the architect Le Corbusier expanded on Vitruvius's work to create a set of calculations that he referred to as The Modulor. These calculations would create a universal scale for buildings and furniture "aiming to provide the user with an intrinsic sense of well-being and comfort. (2)"

A grey tiled open plan shower with wooden bench.

bathroom design can be adapted to suit a diverse range of personal and physical needs.

Attitudes towards "universal" sets of bodily measurements, such as The Modulor, began to change in the 1960s as they excluded a diversity of body types, proportions, and abilities. "Is this an architecture shaped by the proportions of man or an attempt to shape its inhabitants? (3)" Today there are many regulations that determine standard measurements throughout the home, such as the Americans with Disabilities Act Standards for Accessible Design and the National Kitchen and Bath Association Planning Guidelines.

A kitchen with light grey cabinets and white stone countertop.

many kitchen features such as countertop height, soft closing drawers, food storage and appliances can be customized to suit our unique bodily proportions and lifestyle goals.

While it's more typical to talk about ergonomics in terms of an office chair or ADA compliance, more homeowners are living their best lives by having their homes perfectly fit to their bodies. When we start to think about our homes from an ergonomic viewpoint, we can customize many details to suit our unique physical proportions and emotional needs. Something as simple as customizing the height of kitchen countertops can encourage improved posture and physical ease in using the space. Similarly, we can build furniture and bedding precisely to fit our bodily dimensions, easing strain put on joints when getting in and out. We can customize anything from wall switch locations, automated lighting, window coverings, appliances, mirror height, and environmental sounds through ergonomic design to create the ultimate comfort and well-being at home.

A wooden chair with a decorative cushion sitting in front of a fireplace.

the sensory elements of a room are an important component to take into account with any living space.

Sarah Barnard WELL AP + LEED AP, also takes sensory elements into account when designing a space. Features such as soft close doors and cabinets to reduce noise, storage solutions to create orderly and calm surroundings, and the selection of color and texture can all contribute to the comfort and emotional resonance of a room. Sarah has an in-depth understanding of color theory and color psychology, which explore how color affects our behaviors and emotions to create a color palette that matches your home to your personality — and when a space feels like 'you,' happiness will follow.

Autistic child room design featuring custom made bunk beds and blue curtains.

Lighting, texture and color are important sensory details to take into consideration when designing a space for children.

Sensory details such as color and texture play an important role when customizing spaces for children and can be particularly beneficial for neurodivergent children. Sensitivity needs to be taken towards environmental noise as well as lighting. Diffused and adjustable lighting allows levels to be dimmed to suit individual moods and needs. Avoiding wallpapers with busy patterns and choosing light neutral colors combined with soft textures can also encourage a soothing and calming tactile experience in the space.

The living room of a penthouse apartment with rattan chairs and sofa overlooking the ocean.

Ergonomic design that that customizes the physical and sensory elements of our home to meet our emotional and physical needs has the ability to create joy and wellness in everyday life.

A home should not only reflect the physicality and identity of its owner, it should also be an extension of their personality which enhances day-to-day living. All of these small details, enhanced by ergonomic design, make movement around our home as effortless as possible, encouraging a symbiotic relationship between our home and body which nourishes us, encouraging joy and wellness.

Sarah Barnard, WELL AP + LEED AP, is a leading designer of personalized, sustainable spaces that support mental, physical, and emotional wellbeing. She creates highly personalized, restorative spaces that are deeply connected to art and the preservation of the environment. An advocate for consciousness, inclusivity, and compassion in the creative process, Sarah has appeared in Architectural Digest, Elle Décor, Vogue, HGTV, and many other publications. In 2017 Sarah was honored as a “Ones to Watch” Scholar by the American Society of Interior Designers (ASID).

Works Cited

  1. Souza, Eduardo. “The Evolution in Understanding of Human Scales in Architecture.” ArchDaily, ArchDaily, 15 Oct. 1 2020,

  2. Souza, Eduardo. “The Evolution in Understanding of Human Scales in Architecture.” ArchDaily, ArchDaily, 15 Oct. 2 2020,

  3. Souza, Eduardo. “The Evolution in Understanding of Human Scales in Architecture.” ArchDaily, ArchDaily, 15 Oct. 3 2020,

Vegan Home Design: Beautiful Beach Style

Whether surrounded by mountains, forest or overlooking the ocean, California is a unique and beautiful place to live. Spending time in nature through mindful activities such as hiking and birding promotes feelings of happiness and well-being. Elements of the natural environment that surrounds us can influence the interior design of our living spaces, bringing these values of mindfulness and well-being into the home.

The entryway of a home, deep blue front door, blue bird painting, danish oiled walnut sideboard and light blue sea urchin inspired lamp.

In this design concept, Sarah Barnard, WELL AP + LEED AP developed two variations of objects, furniture, and artwork for the entryway of a home by the ocean. All of the materials and objects selected for this home project are Vegan. This option features a deep blue dutch door reflecting the color of the sea and a glass window that floods the space with natural light. These blue tones carry through the room in imagery and forms from the natural world, such as the painting of a Blue Heron installed above the sideboard. This option features a collection of contemporary ceramic objects, such as the stylized flush mount ceiling light and the ceramic lamp that resembles the form of a sea urchin. These objects are grounded by the vintage ceramic bowl and planter containing flowers. The sideboard, made from Danish oiled walnut, offers tidy storage options, while the tone of its wood finish harmonizes with the soothing blue of the room to create a welcoming entrance.

The stairway of a home entryway with white walls, white railing, wood stairs, and a fristed glass sconce which gives off soft diffused light.

The staircase wall sconce, made from art silvered glass and brass, has frosted edges that resemble sea glass; this produces soft diffused lighting, which contributes to the relaxed and welcoming atmosphere of the entryway.

A white living room with fireplace. Two deep blue sofas are facing each other under a raindrop pendant chandelier.

In this first option for the living room, material elements and colors from the entryway are reflected in the the deep blue Vegan-friendly upholstery and Danish oiled walnut of the sofa. The fine artisanal quality of the exposed wood frame gives the sofa lightness and elegance. At the same time, their shape and placement create an enclosed and intimate environment perfect for relaxation or small social gatherings. The artwork incorporates natural imagery such as water birds and ocean scapes. These elements carry through in the coffee table made from reclaimed hardwood, which features plant life embossed into the concrete surface of the tabletop, all underneath rain drop shaped pendant lighting.

The entryway of a home featuring a seafoam color front door, soft landscape painting, wood slab side table , ceramic geometric lamp and mid century modern ceramic vase.

The second option for this entryway incorporates a lighter, sea foam colored dutch door and window. This lighter tone is complimented by the natural wood and white gold finish of a jewelry-like chandelier with crystal tear-dropped glass fixtures. A small geometric ceramic lamp in ocean blue resembles a smokey-cut gem which is complimented by a smattering of vintage ceramics, such as the large bowl and mid-century modern stoneware vase. The landscape painting chosen for this option features a soft blur of brush strokes as if looking through fogged glass to create a calm and comforting space when entering the home. The side table presented in this option is made from natural walnut slabs. The concealed drawer is coupled with visible storage options in the open space underneath, which integrates the walnut finish with the room's white walls.

A white living room with fireplace. Two soft, dark blue sofas are facing each other with a natural wood slab coffee table in between, under a chandelier with cylindrical lights.

This alternative living room option also incorporates ocean-inspired deep blue tones within a pair of generous, enveloping sofas whose design creates a soft and comforting aesthetic that has an anchoring effect. The pebble-like milky glass globes of the chandelier create diffused lighting, which is warm and welcoming.

Elements of the natural world are incorporated into this space through the Mapa burl coffee table, which has a form that resembles found wood or stone shaped by the sea. These natural elements continue in the Matilija poppy textile pattern on the decorative sofa cushions which incorporate native Californian flora into the space.

Design concepts such as color, form, material and lighting can be utilized within our home to reflect the beauty of the natural environment that surrounds us, capturing the way it makes us feel, to create a mindful living space that promotes happiness and wellbeing in everyday life.

Nature Inspired Home: West Coast Wellness

A light and airy living room with white exposed wood beams, a grey concrete fireplace with copper inlay design and a large oval light fixture made out of paper.

 Reclaimed, FSC certified elm wood flooring with a no VOC finish was used throughout the home, bringing in natural color and patterning while giving careful consideration to environmental impact.

A connection with the environment that surrounds us encourages wellness; this can manifest within the home in multiple ways. Biophilic design incorporates aesthetic elements of the outdoors into the home. Using natural, organic, sustainable, and ethically sourced materials contributes to a healthy living environment that promotes eco-friendly production methods. Also, considering sustainable, functional elements for the household benefits the environment and contributes to self-sufficiency for contemporary living.

A light and airy entryway featuring two Geranium wall sconces.

Entryway featuring hand made sconces by artist David Wiseman.

The owner of this West Coast residence considered all of these elements when remodeling their oceanside home. Being naturalists and environmentalists, they wanted their home to reflect their passion for nature while contributing to conserving it through sustainable materials and energy sources. Pollination was chosen as a cohesive concept throughout the house, as it is a crucial component of our environment which is also beautiful. This house achieves a dual function of being practical/sustainable and also aesthetically pleasing. Visual signifiers of pollination, such as flowers, bees, moths, and birds, appear within functional and decorative elements throughout the house.

A light and airy wellness room with white exposed beams in the ceiling, arch shaped windows overlooking the ocean, wooden floor boards, yoga mats and pillows

Designed for rest and rejuvenation, the wellness room takes advantage of sweeping ocean views and ample natural lighting. A wooden bench made by a local artisan displays art by Karen Sikie for a calming, nature inspired backdrop for yoga or meditation.

The wellness room has a beautiful view overlooking the ocean. Interior designer Sarah Barnard, WELL and LEED AP took a minimalist approach to this room, using fine yet simple materials to highlight the beautiful outdoor surroundings and existing architectural features such as the ceiling beams. Sarahs' design practice focuses on wellness, and this simplicity helps to create a relaxing and soothing environment. This approach also utilizes the ample natural light of the space, while large articulating sconces are a functional design feature within the room that offers alternative lighting options. This room also features a moth collage by Karen Sikie. Karen creates a form of collage called "paper mosaics" made from an array of recycled decorative papers; her work takes inspiration from the beauty of nature and our connection to it. Her work  is featured throughout the house. 

A grey toned bathroom with grey bathroom, arch shaped windows, grey textured wall tile and custom wood cabinet

The primary bathroom’s grounding charcoal palette features Pietra Grey marble in the shower, vanity and window casings.

The primary bathroom incorporates natural materials through bespoke design elements developed with meticulous attention to detail. These include tailor-made stone moldings and found stones used as faucet handles.

Close up image of custom faucet handles made from smooth black stones.

Found stones transformed into faucet handles.

The rough-hewn quality of the wall tile creates a 3D texture that highlights the earthy qualities of its material. These tiles are a specialized form of ceramic that was traditionally used for Japanese roofing; the firing process makes each tile unique, adding to the overall hand-made feel.

A detail shot of custom wood bathroom cabinet, with textured grey bathroom tile, bowl sink with stone faucet.

A custom vanity in spalted silver maple stores towels and personal items.

This balance between luxury production and rugged, natural materials are echoed in the custom vanity hand-made by a local artisan. The soft curve of the cabinet corner creates a soothing and calm aesthetic. Built elements such as outlets are recessed into the vanity and camouflaged by the same wood veneer covering the outlet plate, minimizing the intrusion of functional elements within the space.

A custom wood full entry closet made from FSC certified Ash

The custom closet made in collaboration with a local craftsperson features adjustable shelving to accommodate changing needs. A compartment with swinging door was designed to hide a safe.

The full entry closet is tailor-made from Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) Certified Ash, chosen for its beautiful sheen. This specialized cabinetry features built-in drawers for storing clothes and a mirror framed in the same woodwork. This cabinetry also conceals functional features such as a safe for keeping cherished family heirlooms/valuables.

A quiet office space with built in bookshelves made in collaboration with a local artisan, using FCS certified reclaimed elm wood. A roman shade made with Tradescant & Son fabric references the hummingbirds nesting out the window, and celebrates the homeowner’s love of birding.

The owner studies and photographs birds and wanted to reflect this passion in their home office space. The rustic shape of reclaimed wood is integrated into the design of the desk, transforming its natural form into a functional object. An assortment of eco-inspired objects, such as a vintage brass bird lamp, frog bookends, and mineral specimens, decorate the room. This room also features a fabric Roman shade made from Tradescant's hummingbird stripe fabric. Hummingbirds not only relate to the client's interest in studying birds they also play an important role in pollination.

A light and airy living room with white exposed wood beams, a bespoke grey concrete fireplace with copper inlay design and a large oval light fixture made out of Washi paper.

The living room features a custom concrete fireplace inlaid with copper, inspired by Japanese Kintsugi pottery. A glowing overhead light handmade from washi paper harkens a resemblance to whales and seashells, a quiet reference to the ocean nearby. 

A prominent feature of the living room is a custom-built concrete fireplace with a copper inlay inspired by Japanese Kintsugi pottery. Thought to have originated in the 15th century, Kintsugi is the practice of repairing broken pottery with metal staples, gold, or gold/lacquer compound. The repairs become a beautiful design element of the restored piece. The copper inlay within the concrete fireplace touches on this aesthetic and philosophical view, connecting the house's architecture to ideas of sustainable practices such as repairing objects and recycling materials. These ideas carry through in the hand-crafted coffee table made from repurposed wood, the imperfections of its natural form reclaimed and celebrated as a piece of furniture.

A painting of floral trees in the mist by Ivy Jacobson

The layered technique in this work of art by Ivy Jacobson brings a calm and dreamy quality to the room.

This room also features a painting by Ivy Jacobson, whose work seeks to reflect the feeling of peace and calm experienced when surrounded by nature. The wall sconces in the living room made from poured porcelain were specially designed by Sarah, who worked with a local artisan to fabricate them. They take inspiration from the calming ocean view seen from the client's home. This influence of the ocean continues within the living room light fixture, hand-made from washi paper; this feature is light and airy, giving the feeling of floating in the sea and subtly resembling a seashell.

A detail image of white porcelain pendant lights shaped like flower petals.

Glowing porcelain floral light fixtures in the family room.

The porcelain flower lighting fixtures in the family room create an organic flow from the living room as their shape and material are harmonious with those in the former. Sarah customized the color temperature of these pendant lights from 3000k to 2700k. This room also features a painting of birds by Kaoru Mansour, reflecting the homeowners' interest in ornithology.

An image of a light and bright the kitchen looking into the family room, stone countertops were custom made for the height of he owner, light grey cabinets and hardwood floors.

Custom cabinets made in collaboration with a local artisan are painted in a warm grey to bring out the dove tones in the marble. The counter tops were specified to reach the clients ideal height for food preparation. The kitchen is designed for ease of use and calm, creating a mindful experience for cooking.

Sarah designed the kitchen to be an ergonomic space with counter heights customized to meet the owner's functional needs. Fine quality details such as solid bronze cabinet handles and recessed shelves made from slabs of glass combine beauty with functionality. The pantry was designed with additional cold food storage concealed within specialized cabinetry, contributing to the household's self-sufficiency.

A custom bathroom cabinet featuring a sink bowl decorated with a koi fish design. The grey and white decorative tile on the bathroom wall has a pattern that looks like abstracted waves.

A custom vanity and matching mirror in the half bath made in collaboration with a local craftsperson is complimented with a glass mosaic tile, inspired by kelp forests.

The 2nd bathroom draws from the home's proximity to the ocean; the sink features a raised pattern of Koi fish, and kelp-inspired glass mosaic tiles adorn the wall.

A small soaking tub by the window for relaxing and reflecting, while enjoying the views of nature. The window casings and baseboards were designed with Bardiglio Marble, also used on the shower and vanity. 

This bathroom features details such as bronze cabinet hardware, custom stone molding, and a round soaking tub, making economical use of limited space. The drop-down shower seat is made from FSC Certified, responsibly harvested teak.

A metal wall sconce shaped like geranium leaves

David Wiseman geranium sconces are the first work of art you see when entering the home, and offer a moment of beauty and appreciation before continuing deeper into the house.  

The entryway to the house features two bronze wall sconces by David Weisman, an American designer whose work draws deep inspiration from the natural world. The simplicity of the entryway brings attention to the subtle elegance of these sconces, which examine the beauty in something as humble as the Geranium leaf.

A white stair railing custom made with the silhouette of a flower called Queen Anne Lace cut outs

A custom, laser cut railing was designed with a Queen Anne’s lace pattern, a plant beloved by butterflies and bees.

The stairway features a one-of-a-kind railing designed by Sarah; the cutouts are silhouettes of Queen Anne's Lace, a plant favored by pollinators. The stairwell also features wall sconces shaped like abstracted tulips.

Laundry room with grey and white Terrazzo counter and wall, yellow flowers in a vase and a small bird painting

The laundry room is lined with terrazzo, with ample surface space for folding clothing. An overhead railing provides hanging space, while dual dryers speed up the laundry process for added efficiency.

Even though the laundry is a functional space, Sarah gave much consideration to the aesthetic elements of this room. The artisanal floor tile is an 8-inch hexagonal shape made from concrete and recycled clay; this tile is subtly reminiscent of a honeycomb, while its materials are also sustainable. The terrazzo counter is made with recycled materials produced from factory leftovers. The existing footprint of the laundry was reconfigured to include a laundry sink, washer, and two dryers to facilitate the self-sufficiency of the owner and their family.

Half bath with custom cabinet made from grey, white and yellow onyx, white bowl sink and grey and white abstract floral wall tile

The half bath is a dreamy retreat, with Navy Blue Onyx floors and vanity. Patterned tiles create an immersive field of flowers.

The half bath features a flower field wall tile, creating an immersive abstract floral space. The floor, vanity, and molding are tailor-made from onyx, highlighting the natural beauty of these fine materials.

The guest bedroom features a custom closet and built in storage made in collaboration with a local artisan, using reclaimed, FSC certified elm used in the home’s flooring, all finished with a no VOC material. The TV pulls out to reveal additional storage. 

The guest bedroom features hand-crafted cabinetry made from FSC Certified Elm. Details within this room, such as bronze cast drawer pulls shaped like moths and specially designed vents in the shape of a honeycomb, summon the presence of pollinators as we encounter them in the outside world.

Detail image of flower shaped ceiling light with heat sink stamen custom made with a personalized copper finish

An overhead floral light in the guest bedroom. The heat sink stamen was custom made with a personalized copper finish.

Sarah customized the flower-shaped ceiling light, working with the manufacturer to make the stamen in a personalized copper finish. The scale of this flower light almost creates a surrealist element within the room, as the person inhabiting this space experiences the pollinators' perspective.

Bathroom featuring honeycomb shaped floor tile made from honey toned marble, custom wood cabinet, with textures wall tile and copper colored tile shower

The honey toned bathroom is an homage to bees and butterflies in this pollinator suite, a walk-in work of art for finding peace and beauty. Copper tiles line a magical, shimmery shower space with a honey glow.

The guest bathroom is perhaps the most visually striking within the residence. This room features cabinets hand-made from locally salvaged sycamore and bronze cast moth-shaped hardware.

The custom honeycomb tiles were made with Giallo Sienna marble, and inlaid with decorative bees. Head to toe details and a variety of textures create multiple sensory opportunities that encourage mindfulness.

The hexagonal floor tiles were crafted especially for this residence from a piece of marble sourced by Sarah specifically for its golden honey tones. This material was shaped into hexagonal tiles, some of which include a golden bee inlay. The copper-tone tile within the shower itself creates a luxuriously ornate, glimmering collection of textures.

Dining room featuring grey textured wall with inbuilt gas fireplace, wood flooring, custom wood dining table, Cherner chairs and hand made white porcelain illuminated Ginko leaf sculpture hanging from the ceiling

The dining room wall features a fireplace, raised to be eye level with the table for a mesmerizing visual display during meals. A wall to wall tile surround adds texture and shimmer, bouncing the light of the flames.

The dining room features a delicate hand-made porcelain illuminated Ginkgo leaf sculpture specially crafted for the room. The custom dining table partners harmoniously with the classic Cherner chairs. The fireplace was redesigned to replace burning wood with natural gas, an eco-friendlier alternative. A driving force of this renovation was to become more sustainable and less dependent on the grid, with the client installing solar panels and converting all other gas appliances to electric to make the house sustainable and self-sufficient.

Detail image of hand made white porcelain illuminated Ginko leaf sculpture from the dining room

This delicate hand-made porcelain illuminated Ginkgo leaf sculpture was specially crafted for the dining room.

The ways in which we coexist with the natural world in our everyday life have the potential to resonate beyond us. Promoting a sense of calm, harmony, and well-being and possibly motivating practical actions that make a meaningful contribution to preserving environments for future generations. This West Coast Wellness residence is a beautiful example of these ideals. Here, the beauty of art seeks to inspire eco-consciousness and living by example within a home that prioritizes sustainability.

Sarah Barnard is a WELL and LEED accredited designer and creator of environments that support mental, physical and emotional wellbeing. She creates highly personalized, restorative spaces that are deeply connected to art and the preservation of the environment. An advocate for consciousness, inclusivity, and compassion in the creative process, Sarah has appeared in Architectural Digest, Elle Décor, Vogue, HGTV and many other publications. In 2017 Sarah was recognized as a "Ones to Watch" Scholar by the American Society of Interior Designers (ASID).

Designing Naturally: Enhancing Interior Spaces Through Biophilia

A connection with nature has always been appealing in design. However, world factors like increased time spent indoors and a newfound awareness and appreciation of nature as we experience environmental shifts from climate change have potentially contributed to a desire for nature to be a more prominent part of daily life.

While there are endless possibilities and applications for biophilic design, there are a few methods that can be applied to most design projects:

1. Mirroring local flora and fauna. Part of the benefit of biophilic design is creating a connection to our environment, minimizing feelings of isolation prevalent in contemporary and urban living. By drawing a connection to local plants and wildlife, interior spaces can feel increasingly connected to the land outside our doors, offering a feeling of inclusion and expansion. While any natural themes can provide benefits, sourcing inspiration from nature in the vicinity of the building can help foster a more intimate connection. 

2. Utilize scale. Many clients may be hesitant to utilize floral or natural patterns for fear of them feeling overly old-timey. However, natural prints don’t need to be literal to be effective. Playing with scale can help alter the mood or energy of the space, offering more traditional or contemporary options. A large print can feel modern or dramatic and provides an opportunity to admire details of the image, which then can feel like a work of art in the space, particularly if designing for a room with high ceilings. Areas where people are spending shorter periods may benefit from the drama of a large-scale print. Smaller patterning, particularly in muted tones, can offer a quieter approach, creating a visual texture when a subtle background is needed.

3. Consider all aspects of the environment. Celebrating nature through biophilic design offers an opportunity to consider the environmental effects of design choices and practices. When sourcing products, natural, organic, and green guard certified materials may cause less harm to the natural environment during production while helping to improve indoor air quality. When considering biophilic options, opting for the most natural materials possibles help bolster the connection to nature while being more considerate of the environmental effects of the design process.

These biophilic design applications can help create comforting and soothing spaces for clients that reflect and respect the natural environment. As biophilic principles remain a regular part of interior design, we hope that design and production practices prioritize sustainability and care for nature.

Sarah Barnard, WELL AP + LEED AP, is a leading designer of personalized, sustainable spaces that support mental, physical, and emotional wellbeing. An advocate for consciousness, inclusivity and compassion in the creative process, Sarah’s work has been recognized by Architectural Digest, Elle Décor, Vogue, HGTV, and many other publications. She is a California Certified Naturalist, and in 2017, Sarah was recognized as a “Ones to Watch” Scholar by the American Society of Interior Designers (ASID).

Wellness Interior Designer Achieves California Naturalist Certification

A Ladder-backed woodpecker on a tree.

Ladder-backed woodpecker (Dryobates scalaris) located in Sequoia National Park, California.

Sarah Barnard, Interior Designer, LEED AP, and WELL AP, has achieved a Naturalist certification through the UC California Naturalist program.

A Variable Checkerspot butterfly resting on green and brown plants

Variable checkerspot (Euphydryas chalcedona) located in Angeles National Forest, California.

In partnership with the Los Angeles Arboretum Foundation and UC Davis, the program offers an opportunity for California residents to study the state's diverse ecology while becoming engaged in its preservation. The course educates and encourages a range of environmental advocacy through a series of lectures, field experience, community engagement, and group projects. Working closely with local nature centers and resources, Naturalists learn more about their local environment and engagement opportunities.

Tree trunk with holes, an acorn woodpecker granary.

Acorn Woodpecker (Melanerpes formicivorus) granary. Redbox Picnic Area, Angeles National Forest, California.

The course explores topics ranging from local insects, birds, mammals, grasses, and flowering plants to the impacts of fire, development, and invasive plant species, focusing on the importance of biodiversity as a foundation for our environmental health and wellbeing. As an extension of the course, Barnard was inspired to support the Sierra Club's "Stop Clearcutting" campaign to highlight ecological destruction and the necessity of protecting biodiverse environments.

The branch of a cyprus tree.

Cyprus tree branch (Subfamily Cupressoidae) located in Sequoia National Park, California.

Clearcutting involves logging natural forests, replacing a diverse range of plant life with a monoculture of trees inferior to the supportive ecosystem of a healthy, biodiverse forest. Removing and replacing existing forests can increase wildfire danger, accelerate climate change, degrade water, and threaten wildlife.

A tree with a charred trunk and bare branches.

Burned tree located in the Redbox Picnic Area, the site of the 2020 Bobcat Fire in the Angeles National Forest.

Utilizing her skills as an artist in support of the mission of the Sierra Club, Barnard hopes to draw attention to the hazardous environmental impact of clearcutting by contributing photography to the campaign, including California flora, fauna, and funga from Sequoia National Park and the Angeles National Forest. She will be continuing to document forests, bodies of water, and wildlife for the organization throughout the coming year.

A burned tree in front of yellow grass and green mountains.

Introduced Spanish broom (Spartium junceum) behind a burned tree located in Angeles National Forest, California.

Barnard's practice and work focus on a holistic approach to wellness and sustainability. Her work as a naturalist supports her interior design intent, creating spaces that celebrate nature while considering its preservation.

A burned Manzanita tree in front of wild plants.

Burned Manzanita (Arctostaphylos) located in Angeles National Forest, California.

"I've always understood the complexity of our ecosystem and how one living thing may affect another. However, I underestimated the staggering extent of loss that has already occurred and how essential land preservation is as a foundation for greater natural preservation. While we can and should advocate for protecting crucial wildlife like birds, butterflies, and bees, a thriving and protected ecosystem is a necessary underpinning for all natural preservation. I felt drawn to the Sierra Club's prioritization of land conservation in their Stop Clearcutting campaign and their efforts to educate and advocate."

A striped racer snake in a tree

Striped Racer (Masticophis lateralis) located in Angeles National Forest, California.

Barnard advocates for environmentally compassionate design as part of a conscious and inclusive process. She shares her passion for the environment and encourages sustainable design practices through her writing, speaking engagements, and Kale Tree, where she develops sustainable home goods and furnishings.

Lichen on a branch

Wolf Lichen (Letharia vulpina) located in Sequoia National Park, California.

Western Columbine (Aquilegia formosa) located in Los Angeles, California.

Sarah Barnard, WELL AP + LEED AP, is a leading designer of personalized, sustainable spaces that support mental, physical, and emotional wellbeing. An advocate for consciousness, inclusivity and compassion in the creative process, Sarah’s work has been recognized by Architectural Digest, Elle Décor, Vogue, HGTV, and many other publications. In 2017 Sarah was recognized as a “Ones to Watch” Scholar by the American Society of Interior Designers (ASID).

Interior Design Renderings: How Photorealistic Drawings Enhance Home Remodeling and Decorating

Rendering of grey kitchen


Built design

When designing a new space for a client, one of the clearest ways to help illustrate what the interior design may look and feel like is through renderings.

Grey pantry rendering


Built design

In the rendering process, designers take information from AutoCAD files and apply the selected materials to create a realistic drawing that can help clients envision the final design.

AutoCAD Drawing of a half bath

Autocad drawing


Built grey half bath

Built Design

While the AutoCAD files can share many crucial project details, having a 3D rendering can help illustrate how materials are working together and envision how the layout may affect the experience of being in the space.

A brown, white and grey modern bathroom with marble hexagon tiles, wooden vanity and moth door handles.


Copper toned bathroom built design

Built design

This additional information and understanding can help clients recognize any aspects of the design they may want to change before the construction process.

Grey marble kitchen rendering


Grey marble kitchen built design

Built design

While it's possible to complete a project without renderings, they add immense value to the design process, visually communicating designs with clarity, contributing to positive design outcomes and our client's happiness and satisfaction.

Sarah Barnard, WELL AP + LEED AP, is a leading designer of personalized, sustainable spaces that support mental, physical, and emotional wellbeing. An advocate for consciousness, inclusivity and compassion in the creative process, Sarah’s work has been recognized by Architectural Digest, Elle Décor, Vogue, HGTV, and many other publications. In 2017 Sarah was recognized as a “Ones to Watch” Scholar by the American Society of Interior Designers (ASID).

Sarah Barnard Design Wins Best of Houzz Design Award

A green graphic logo for the 2022 Dest of Houzz Design Award

Sarah Barnard Design has been awarded Best of Houzz Design this year. This award season marks the 10th anniversary of the Best of Houzz program and Sarah Barnard's sixth consecutive year earning the Best of Houzz Design award. Recipients of the award represent only 3% of the millions of home design professionals on the Houzz platform. The Best of Houzz Design award recognizes home design professionals that provide extraordinary design services and whose Houzz profile was most popular among the design community in the prior year.

An apartment with a view of the beach and ocean, a beige couch on a rug with a wooden coffee table displaying decor, and white poufs and a brown chair.

Sarah Barnard's Ocean View Penthouse project is especially popular on Houzz. The Ocean View Penthouse project features an inspirational birds-eye view of the coastline, thoughtfully designed with references to nature to calm the senses. Sarah Barnard carefully curated a collection of eco-friendly furnishings and natural textiles, creating a serene space to promote Zen and wellness.

An apartment with a view of the beach and ocean, a beige couch on a rug with a wooden coffee table displaying decor, and white poufs.

Custom, low-profile seating made with natural materials create a cozy space for conversation around a maple coffee table with a collection of organic objects next to a striking view of the ocean.

A bright dining room with a circular table, white and chrome chairs, a chandelier, and a view of the ocean.
A bed with a brown headboard, a nightstand displaying a book and a plant, and a wall-mounted light.

The dining area features a custom table made from maple and chrome, highlighted by a delicate chandelier reminiscent of a starry night. For the primary bedroom, Sarah Barnard selected eco-friendly finishes in leather, rattan, maple, and wool to complement a beautiful piece of custom commissioned artwork.

A graphic displaying awards.

Throughout the years, Sarah Barnard Design has received ample praise from the Houzz community as she exhibits a fantastic source of inspiration for homeowners looking to improve their lives through wellness-focused home design. In addition to her 2022 Best of Design award, Sarah Barnard's Houzz profile was saved over 50,000 times by Houzz users. Her popularity on Houzz has given her several Houzz badges, including Star Houzzer, the Influencer Award, and the Recommended on Houzz badge. As a WELL & LEED accredited interior designer, Sarah Barnard is an expert in sustainable home design with a focus on personal health and mental wellness. With her passion for eco-friendly home design and immense knowledge of non-toxic materials, like-minded clients can achieve a healthy and happy home personalized to each individual's unique needs and sensory desires.

Sarah Barnard, WELL AP + LEED AP, is a leading designer of personalized, sustainable spaces that support mental, physical, and emotional wellbeing. An advocate for consciousness, inclusivity, and compassion in the creative process, Sarah's work has been recognized by Architectural Digest, Elle Décor, Vogue, HGTV, and many other publications. In 2017 Sarah was recognized as a "Ones to Watch" Scholar by the American Society of Interior Designers (ASID).

Birds, Butterflies, and Biophilic Designs: Sarah Barnard Becomes Exclusive California Rep for Botanical Eco Textile Line

Sarah Barnard is now the exclusive California representative for Tradescant & Son through Kale Tree Shop's online marketplace. The line features a wide range of nature-inspired luxury eco fabrics and wallpapers made with a sustainability-minded production process.

The foundation of Sarah Barnard's practice is a belief that home design should contribute to wellbeing, both emotionally and globally. Barnard's work focuses on sustainability, emphasizing the importance of nature, both through conscious sourcing and as the inspiration for many of her designs.

The designer's use of natural themes and environmentally conscious materials spoke to the sensibilities and priorities of Tradescant & Son, who recognized Barnard as an ideal representative for their line. Tradescant & Son director Amy Hardman says, "Our 100% linens and the relaxed yet stylish look to our designs promote a holistic and contemporary feel. This, together with the fact that we share a commitment to ensuring sustainability wherever possible by using locally woven fabrics and printers, is a fantastic and exciting foundation for our relationship with Sarah Barnard Design."

The fabrics and wallpapers feature a wide variety of natural themes, from a graphic striped wallpaper composed of vibrant hummingbirds to linen textiles inspired by historic entomology archives from the University of Oxford Museum of Natural History, softly patterned with moths or beetles. With a range of bird fabrics, butterfly patterns, and botanical prints, the timeless patterns nod to historical, scientific illustrations, while their colors and design have a contemporary feel suitable for a diverse array of settings.

On the collaboration, Barnard noted that "As a birder, naturalist, and avid gardener, I was drawn to Tradescant & Son's collection of biophilic prints. Particularly when designing homes in metropolitan areas, I like to turn to natural motifs to stand in for nature that may not be as readily available for someone with a city view. The entire Tradescant & Son collection offers an impressive array of options when looking to bring the experience of wildlife into an interior."

These products are available for purchase through the website Additional support is available for design and trade professionals by contacting

Sarah Barnard is a WELL and LEED accredited designer and creator of environments that support mental, physical and emotional wellbeing. She creates highly personalized, restorative spaces that are deeply connected to art and the preservation of the environment. An advocate for consciousness, inclusivity, and compassion in the creative process, Sarah's work has been recognized by Architectural Digest, Elle Décor, Real Simple, HGTV and many other publications. In 2017 Sarah was recognized as a "Ones to Watch" Scholar by the American Society of Interior Designers (ASID).

NKBA Honors Sarah Barnard with "Praiseworthy Pick" for Person of the Year Award

Interior designer Sarah Barnard has received praiseworthy recognition from the National Kitchen and Bath Association (NKBA) for the "Person of the Year" award in their official publication, Kitchen and Bath Business (KBB).

Photo of upcycled Copper sink in bathroom retreat.

Barnard was selected as a praiseworthy pick due to her innovative and influential approach to home design focused on wellness and sustainability. Being both WELL & LEED accredited, Sarah Barnard sets the example for California home design by creating livable spaces that benefit both our bodies and the environment.

Minimalist Kitchen by Sarah Barnard Design.jpg

Working with clients who prioritize personal and environmental wellness, Barnard encourages inclusive collaborations where clients feel safe to share details about their lives and unique preferences. By exploring solutions that fully support her client's lifestyle, Barnard provides an approach to home design centered around their physical and emotional needs. Additionally, her studio embraces the principle of one size fits one - every person has individual needs and will require an individualized space for optimal health and happiness.

In particular, Sarah Barnard's designs promote a relationship with nature, a connection known to help people feel calmer, happier and healthier. When nature isn't available, incorporating art into home design can help improve wellbeing. There have been studies about the reaction we have when viewing artwork, finding that beautiful art activates pleasure centers in the brain similar to falling in love.

Photo of pollinator themed bathroom.

Barnard also emphasizes the importance of sourcing non-toxic materials to produce environments that optimize our home health. For example, creating a space with improved indoor air quality can help to better sleep, reduce headaches, and in some cases, may help with allergies and breathing.

Sarah Barnard's notable accomplishments from 2021 are her bathroom designs created to serve as a peaceful retreat from the current world. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, homes must now work harder to meet the needs of families. Stay-at-home orders removed many former sources of relaxation, and some clients feel as though the days of enjoying a spa in a group setting are gone forever. Because bathrooms are one of the few spaces in a home affording privacy, Barnard focuses on creating tranquil bathroom retreats that enrich daily moments of ritual and calm.

Honey-toned bathroom with marble  floor tiles and inlaid bees.

She recently designed a bathroom looking to pollinators as inspiration. The bathroom is honey-toned, with gold and copper-hued wall tile, warm lighting inspired by honeycombs, and has custom floor tiles made with marble and inlaid bees. The bathroom design is rooted in biophilic principles, inspiring a renewed nature-brain connection with each visit.

When personalized functionality, a visual connection to nature, and a non-toxic environment work together, design can help contribute to healthier, happier lives.

Wood bathroom vanity with a bowl sink and an elaborate gold mirror on a grey tile wall

NKBA's praiseworthy pick recognizes Sarah Barnard as a leader in Kitchen and Bath design nationwide. Barnard's involvement with NKBA is longstanding, and she recently spoke at the KBIS Voices from the Industry event on "Creating Inclusive Environments." To learn more about how Barnard's team of wellness focused Los Angeles home designers can create a custom-tailored space to meet your specific needs, please book a consultation.

Sarah Barnard is a WELL and LEED accredited designer and creator of environments that support mental, physical and emotional wellbeing. She creates highly personalized, restorative spaces that are deeply connected to art and the preservation of the environment. An advocate for consciousness, inclusivity, and compassion in the creative process, Sarah’s work has been recognized by Architectural Digest, Elle Décor, Real Simple, HGTV and many other publications. In 2017 Sarah was recognized as a “Ones to Watch” Scholar by the American Society of Interior Designers (ASID).

Creating a Safe Space for Neurodivergent Children to Thrive

Autistic child room design with custom walnut bunk bed with deep navy blue blankets and privacy curtains, affixed with a ladder in antique gold. Two well-loved stuffed animals sit on the bed. An antique brass wall sconce sits above the bed

A home is a place of rest and comfort, providing a sense of belonging. It is full of elements that we interact with daily- texture, lighting, furniture. A beautiful aspect of being human is that we all have unique experiences with these tactile elements. Even better, we can design our home these elements to facilitate more comfort and joy. Lately, our studio has been thinking specifically about how home design can improve the experience of Neurodivergent children within their own homes. 

Autistic child room design with custom walnut bunk bed with a brushed brass bed rail, and navy blue linens with black-out lining serving as privacy curtains. An illuminated antique brass wall sconce and matching wall baskets displaying books

Our health and wellness-focused interior design studio works with families to create soothing spaces that support everyone in the home. We've found that boosting the wellbeing of a child will, in turn, increase the wellbeing of the parents and care providers. When we hold space for our loved ones, we can begin to find ways to coexist with peace and ease. It's critical to understand that no singular solution works for everyone, so facing challenges with empathy is key to understanding the unique needs of the child and family. We approach building healing spaces through human-centered home design modalities, prioritizing human interaction with the built environment. For children who may struggle to communicate their needs verbally, it is essential to create a healthy and comfortable environment to support their mental, physical, emotional, and sensory wellbeing. 

Some ideas on creating a safe space for a neurodivergent child to thrive: 

Autistic child room design with an illuminated antique-brass wall sconce.

Offer Choices. Through adjustable and adaptable features, you can empower your child by offering choices to meet their needs. 

● Adjustable, thoughtful lighting: Dimmer switches can offer autonomy and create a customizable experience to meet a child's shifting needs. 

● Reconfigurable furniture: an interior designer can help create a layout suitable for furniture that a child can freely rearrange themselves. Modular seating, for example, is easy to customize and move within a space to suit the ever-shifting needs of everyone in the household.   

● Privacy vs. open space: Consider a bed with curtains or a canopy to offer a safe, private space for a child to find comfort and solitude.  

Autistic child room design with a color scheme of navy blue, teal, walnut, and antique gold. A built-in walnut desk with a gold and black chair and wall mounted shelves provide a display for photos, school supplies, and accessories.

Make it intuitive. Designing an intuitive space can help your child interact with their environment, providing a greater sense of comfort and independence. A great example of this at work is at the Bancroft Raymond & Joanne Welsh Campus in New Jersey. KSS Architects created visual psychological cues throughout the campus, such as a sensory trail and specific textures and colors related to designated spaces.[1] 

Autistic child room design with a creamy white linen with pink, yellow, and green floral designs.

● Utilize visual cues. The rug pictured above brings in references to the natural world while creating a known pathway and added safety in shared spaces. 

● Create spaces designed to help with transitions utilizing psychological cues. For example, if your child is hesitant to go outdoors, consider a sunroom with expansive views to the outdoors so they may watch from a safe space until they are ready to go outside.  

Autistic child room design with handmade creamy-white draperies banded with colorful embroidery in shades of fuchsia, teal, chartreuse and gold hanging against a paned window.

Consider materials. 

● A home designer can help you source high-quality materials that can withstand heavy handling and potential emotional episodes. 

● A highly sensitive child might also be sensitive to odors from adhesives, stains, paints. Wellness-focused home designers can help source non-toxic low/no VOC materials. 

● Thoughtfully selected textures and colors can create a soothing, tactile experience. Individuals respond to textures and colors differently, so it is best to utilize samples to assess the physical response between the residents and any proposed materials.  

Autistic child room design with a table lamp with a white and blue lampshade.

Keep the senses in mind. 

● Appeal to unique sensory needs. Because neurodivergent children may have different sensitivities that fall under hypersensitive or hyposensitive, the interior design team should work collaboratively with parents and caregivers to create an individualized strategy. 

● Weighted blankets can aid in creating a therapeutic experience for a child. Our studio has worked with families to design custom weighted blankets in natural and organic materials. 

● A well-designed bedroom or playroom can incorporate sound-reducing walls. If you are not ready for remodeling, consider acoustic panels, white noise machines, or heavy, interlined draperies to customize the sound experience. 

Autistic child room design with pale blue desk with photos, accessories, and a white desk lamp, a clear lucite desk chair, and floral wallpaper.

● Many people have specific sensitivities to color temperature. Our studio recommends the residents experience and respond to the proposed color temperature of the light before installation. Consider an "all off" switch for the power in each room, which turns off all power to provide ease for a child sensitive to hums and electromagnetic waves. 

● Incorporate artwork: Art can help influence our emotional experience, as viewing art can have mood-boosting effects. Curate a positive experience for a child by selecting artwork that considers their interests. 

Autistic child room design with a pale blue desk with books and vintage accessories, a white vase with pink roses, and floral wallpaper.

Incorporate Biophilic Design. 

Biophilic design aims to make healthy and comfortable interiors by meaningfully incorporating natural elements into our home design and work environments. We've found that the healing power of the outdoors is one of the best ways to facilitate a healthy environment. Healthcare studies have reported that exposure to nature can reduce stress, lower blood pressure, provide pain relief, and contribute to healing and recovery from illness. [2] 

● Utilize nature within the child's space. You can do this using indoor plants, decorating with found objects from nature, or sourcing furniture made from natural, sustainable materials. 

● Evoke a sense of nature through items like art, wallpaper, or other nature-inspired decor items. 

● Consider designing a room with a view of the outdoors so your child can observe and respond to natural processes like the shift of daylight or changing seasons. 

Autistic child room design with an oversized reading chair in white and fuchsia pink, with an embroidered pillow, stuffed animal, and a children's book, in front of wooden french doors with white drapes. Hardwood floor with a white rug.

We know that home design can help support a healthy, happy environment for growing children and that personalized supportive environments can be especially helpful for the wellbeing of neurodivergent children. The CDC has estimated that one in every 42 boys and one in every 189 American girls are on the Autistic spectrum. Mindful and empathetic design practice empowers us to create spaces that provide comfort and inclusivity, encourage independence, and improve mood. Creating spaces that consider different needs reduces environmental stressors and triggers, maximizing space for children's strengths to shine. 

Autistic child room design with an oversized reading chair in white and fuchsia pink, with an embroidered pillow, stuffed animal, and a children's book.

Sarah Barnard is a WELL and LEED accredited designer and creator of environments that support mental, physical and emotional wellbeing. She creates highly personalized, restorative spaces that are deeply connected to art and the preservation of the environment. An advocate for consciousness, inclusivity, and compassion in the creative process, Sarah’s work has been recognized by Architectural Digest, Elle Décor, Real Simple, HGTV and many other publications. In 2017 Sarah was recognized as a “Ones to Watch” Scholar by the American Society of Interior Designers (ASID).

Autistic child room design with a small pig soft toy sitting on a white bedspread in front of a pillow with bunnies embroidered on it.

[1] Bancroft Raymond & Joanne Welsh Campus in New Jersey is a learning center for individuals with neurological challenges, autism, and intellectual and developmental disabilities. The facility was designed by KSS Architects and completed in 2017. [2] Robert Ulrich (1884) facilitated a study of patients recovering from gallbladder surgery and assigned them randomly to hospital rooms. All rooms had windows, though some had a brick wall view, where others overlooked a tree grove. The patients assigned to the rooms with the brick wall view had slower recovery times and greater dissatisfaction with their care than their tree overlooking counterparts

The Nature Brain Connection: A consciously designed home feels like a joyful expression of our best selves.

Designer Sarah Barnard seated in contemporary minimalist condo.

As a WELL and LEED accredited home designer, I focus on environments that support mental, physical, and emotional wellbeing. As our climate continues to shift, I find it increasingly crucial to consider how we engage with and support our natural world. In our studio, the design team makes ongoing efforts to evaluate the larger implications of our lifestyles and acknowledge the role we have in affecting our planet. 

Black Desk with open book surrounded by plants

How can designers create environments focusing on our client's health and happiness while applying equal consideration to planetary health and wellbeing? Our research has turned to the philosophical school of cosmopolitcs for an alternate perspective on human interaction with the material and living world.  

Albena Yaneva, in her introduction to What is Cosmopolitical Design?: Design, Nature, and the Built Environment, explains that "Cosmopolitical thinkers...see nature as no longer being unified enough to provide a stabilizing pattern for the experience of humans; it is not 'out there,' a simple backdrop for human activities."

Purple bed against darker purple wall, wooden side table with white vase and pink flowers, and white spider sculpture

 Cosmopolitics distinguishes itself from cosmopolitanism by positing a relationship working with nature instead of imposing dominance over nature. As Yaneva writes, "These thinkers abandon the modernist idea of nature as being external to the human experience—a nature that can be mastered by engineers and scientists from outside." 

bh bibliophile (6).jpg

While cosmopolitics might seem like a far-out, philosophical idea primarily contemplated by academics and architects-- because designers, environmentalists, and vegans all value the connectivity between ourselves and the natural environment, these core concepts are more accessible than they may initially seem.

Ceramic dodo by Corinne Malesy

Ceramic dodo by Corinne Malesy

Many of my clients have found their way to veganism because they are conscious of the effects human decisions have on the planet and are acutely aware that we are merely part of a much larger ecosystem. Mindful, compassionate interior design considers the impacts of our decision-making when designing a space and asks how our choices shape our environment, our community, and the world around us. 

Kintsugi table by Joshua Luker

Kintsugi table by Joshua Luker

Home design paired with conscious intent is a significant first step that can begin simply by considering how local and migrating wildlife might be supported rather than harmed by our lifestyle improvements. 


When planning for a home remodel, it's important to care for the plant life that our birds, mammals, reptiles, and insects call home. To preserve existing animal habitats, I advise clients and contractors to protect existing trees, shrubs, and leaf litter when possible and make conscious efforts to minimize sound and light pollution from construction.  

Birdbox in field of yellow flowers

Beyond avoiding harm, our home design may actively support wildlife. For example, well-researched landscaping that incorporates native plants can create opportunities to sustain and shelter local animals and migrating birds. Including flowering plants for bees and butterflies and access to clean drinking and bathing water can also encourage animal and plant life success. A simple 10" saucer provides drinking water for visting deer, racoons, and bobcats in my garden. Birds and lizards bathe and even bees and wasps stop for a drink. I use a good sized rock as a small bird and bug escape raft, but I know many people have equal success using a stick for the same purpose. 

purple wildflower

The physical boundaries of our home can sometimes create a sense of othering between us and our environment. It is easy to disengage when we are deep inside our homes. Creating space outside that we feel inclined to make frequent use of can encourage a consistent connection and consideration of our environment. For example, relaxing outdoor areas inspire restoration and observation, while active spaces like vegetable gardens encourage movement and a relationship with our source of nourishment.

brown and rust orange bird on bird feeder

We recently designed a rooftop space as a second living room for a young family to relax and socialize. Low-profile furniture was utilized to keep the view open and encourage a personal connection with the expanse around them. 

Outdoor patio overlooking city with yellow couch, concrete coffee table, and grey blue and yellow rugs and throw pillows

When inside, designing to highlight our exterior views can help maintain a connection to nature, even while indoors. In spaces where natural views aren’t available, incorporating artwork and materials that reference nature into your home design can help keep the nature brain connection active. 

Kitchen and dining room space with white cabinetry and blue couch

When we work collaboratively with neighbors, we can extend these benefits further. Home design gives us the option to live in harmony with nature rather than attempting to contain it.  

ceramic donkeys in front of gold  and ceramic vase

Physical Considerations are one of the initial items to evaluate when creating a cosmopolitically inclined vegan home. Ranging from the materials we use to the layout of the space, physical considerations will often have the most prominent and direct effect on our health. 

When our studio designs a vegan home, avoiding materials made with animal products is a clear first step. We find it essential to examine all product elements to ensure that the most responsible options are available to our clients. 

Many of us are familiar with closely examining ingredient lists and investigating the steps of food production. Vegan home design follows a similar approach, using extensive research, building relationships with local artisans similar to how we might have previously formed relationships with farmers at local markets. 

Supporting our client's health goes beyond sourcing vegan products. It's common knowledge that many vegan alternatives are made with synthetic fibers and harmful chemicals that can release volatile organic compounds, polluting indoor air and causing discomfort. Ethically sourcing natural options with low or NO VOCs helps ensure that our home's materials serve our health now and in the future.

While every room is vital in the home design process, I've found that the kitchen is often the most significant space in a supportive environment. Over the years, the most common recurring request is dedicated space to accommodate a large quantity of produce. For some clients this challenge is resolved with a sophisticated combination of under-counter refrigerator drawers combined with wall-mounted baskets and bins for room temperature items. Our household manages with a simple collection of large bowls filled every few days. Integrating produce storage in a visually appealing way can add color (and nature) to our kitchens. 

A beautiful and practical walk-in pantry, can serve as a high functioning auxiliary kitchen, this one utilizes a large refrigerator paired with additional freezer drawers and additional storage drawers for dry goods and root vegetables. Ample counter space provides room to work or countertop storage for items that need to be instantly accessible. 

A large island provides the client with room to prepare meals and offers additional seating for guests to socialize or assist during food prep. The kitchen layout also encourages views to the exterior and provides a pleasant view whether drinking coffee or cutting vegetables. 

A focus on functional kitchen design, supported by natural materials and a connection to the outdoors, can contribute to the ease of healthy food preparation, directly impacting our physical and mental wellbeing. 

A consciously designed home that feels mentally supportive incorporates our values into the design process and feels like a joyful expression of our best selves. 

Bird with grey, brown, black and white markings.

Beyond the peace of mind provided by selecting natural and organic materials, creating a home that encourages rest, rejuvenation, and fosters a connection with nature can help us restore our energies and improve our mood. 

In recent years, we've created an increasing number of dedicated wellness spaces for residential clients. Having a room devoted to wellness prioritizes our mental health and holds space for us to take a time out when needed. For example, a wellness room could be a space for napping, floating, practicing yoga, or creating artwork. When we devote space physically to rest and wellness, our minds engage more naturally in these practices. 

When additional space to devote entirely to wellness may be lacking, bathrooms can ritualize the process of waking up and winding down, offering a space to cleanse and calm during a chaotic day. Each room creates a personalized hub inspired by patterning and imagery in nature. For example, a recent seaside project is an homage to pollinators, with a color palette inspired by honey, with bees inlaid on the tile and honeycomb patterning featured in the floors and referenced in the lighting. For a half bath, a field of flowers illuminates the ceiling, a theme continued in a subtle, abstracted floral patterning dotted in the tiles. Both rooms encourage the user to pause and enjoy their surroundings, making something as simple as hand washing a meditative act. 

silhouetted plant

By considering a cosmopolitical perspective throughout the home design process, we can make conscious and compassionate decisions that are physically and mentally supportive of ourselves and the environment at large. 

pink flower against green leaves

Sarah Barnard is a WELL and LEED accredited designer and creator of environments that support mental, physical and emotional wellbeing. She creates highly personalized, restorative spaces that are deeply connected to art and the preservation of the environment. An advocate for consciousness, inclusivity, and compassion in the creative process, Sarah’s work has been recognized by Architectural Digest, Elle Décor, Real Simple, HGTV and many other publications. In 2017 Sarah was recognized as a “Ones to Watch” Scholar by the American Society of Interior Designers (ASID).   

pink wildflowers in fields of greens.

Sarah Barnard is a WELL and LEED accredited designer and creator of environments that support mental, physical and emotional wellbeing. She creates highly personalized, restorative spaces that are deeply connected to art and the preservation of the environment. An advocate for consciousness, inclusivity, and compassion in the creative process, Sarah’s work has been recognized by Architectural Digest, Elle Décor, Real Simple, HGTV and many other publications. In 2017 Sarah was recognized as a “Ones to Watch” Scholar by the American Society of Interior Designers (ASID).


Is That Vegan? An Insider's Guide to Vegan Interior Design.

Vegan Interior Design.

Homes for People and Wildlife: How to Build Housing in a Nature-friendly Way.

What is Cosmopolitical Design? Conference at the Princeton University School of Architecture , 12 Apr. 2013,

What is Cosmopolitical Design?: Design, Nature, and the Built Environment.

Vegan Interior Design Week

Sarah Barnard seated with glasses, long brown hair, and black shirt

Join us at the inaugural Vegan Interior Design week, as Sarah shares her experience designing spaces for vegan clients to improve their health and happiness.

Hosted by interior architect and animal rights activist Aline Dürr, this year's event will feature a wide range of global speakers, including Sascha Camilli (PETA) and Johannes Schmidt (Institute of Building Biology and Sustainability). Speakers will discuss a range of topics exploring ethical design.

purple and teal jewel toned living room

Sarah's talk, "Interior Design for Well-being: an Empathetic Approach," will discuss how vegan home design plays a part in personal and planetary wellbeing. She will explore how home designers can push the boundaries of interiors to improve both individual and global health through physical, mental, and cosmopolitical considerations. Many people are already acutely conscious that, as humans, we are participants in a much larger ecosystem. Sarah will share how we can expand ethical values into our interiors while caring for ourselves and our planet.

As a LEED and WELL AP, Sarah supports vegan clients through sustainable home design that encourages physical and mental well-being. Sarah's vegan design work has been featured in several publications, including The Hollywood Reporter, LIVEKINDLY, and Aline Dürr's book "Vegan Interior Design."

Vegan Interior Design Week will take place November 01-05, 2021. To register for the event, please visit

Sarah Barnard is a WELL and LEED accredited designer and creator of environments that support mental, physical and emotional wellbeing. She creates highly personalized, restorative spaces that are deeply connected to art and the preservation of the environment. An advocate for consciousness, inclusivity, and compassion in the creative process, Sarah’s work has been recognized by Architectural Digest, Elle Décor, Real Simple, HGTV and many other publications. In 2017 Sarah was recognized as a “Ones to Watch” Scholar by the American Society of Interior Designers (ASID).

The Magic of Mangroves: Kale Tree by Sarah Barnard Design releases new rug for summer

Just in time for Summer, Kale Tree by Sarah Barnard Design is releasing an exclusive mangrove patterned rug honoring one of nature's greatest natural healers.

Crucial for sustaining a vast ecosystem, mangroves provide food and shelter for local wildlife and offer filtration. Found above ground but rooted in saltwater, the plants connect land and sea. Their presence improves water quality, particularly beneficial to coral reefs, another crucial ecosystem. Mangroves will also naturally absorb water when typhoons and hurricanes hit, serving as a protective barrier to those living near the coast.

Coastal development, farming, and industry are all contributing to a rapidly decreasing presence of mangroves. These plants are not only beautiful but offer incredible ecological support for a great range of life in the ocean and on land.

Kale Tree Shop is known for its dedication to the environment. Its newest summer collection highlights the value of this incredible plant life. Interior Designer Sarah Barnard, LEED and WELL AP, says, "As an environmentalist, I've always been inspired by coastal nature and am committed to its preservation. Mangroves are such an incredible natural resource." Sarah believes that the mangroves speak to the earth's ability to heal. "As humans, we have a role as stewards for the planet. We are part of a rich ecosystem, and acknowledging that relationship is a huge step in appreciating our earth through care and intentionality."

Beyond hoping to draw more attention to vital mangroves, Kale Tree Shop will donate a percentage of all net proceeds to the Mangrove Action Project. They are self-described as an organization that “empowers local stakeholders to mitigate mangrove stressors, and teaches them how to use mangrove ecology and biology to facilitate natural regeneration."

sea bird at the saltan sea

The rugs are available in several sizes, in 100% New Zealand natural wool or vegan bamboo silk, which offers a soft sheen. Two colorways, Land with warm mushroomy browns and Sea in soothing blue-greys, have neutral palettes pulled from two worlds the plant occupies. Each rug is made to order, and colors and sizing can be customized to fit individual needs.

Kale Tree Shop offers beautiful and unique home design products inspired by nature that acknowledge the need to care for our earth through conscious sourcing and material selections. In addition to the Mangrove Rug, Kale Tree offers a variety of home decor products, including abutilon-inspired wallpaper and textiles. Kale Tree's previous collections include its Moth Rug and a light inspired by its host plant, the ginkgo tree. Sarah is an avid birder and gardener, and her inspiration comes from time spent outdoors.

As the heat comes in and more and more people make their way to the beach, Sarah hopes the rug serves as a reminder to cherish our coastlines. The rug will be available through beginning June 21st to welcome in summer.

ducks on the water at the saltan sea with mountains

Sarah Barnard is the founder of Kale Tree and a creator of environments that support mental, physical and emotional wellbeing. An advocate for consciousness, inclusivity, and compassion in the creative process, Sarah has been quoted by Architectural Digest, Elle Décor, Vouge, HGTV and many other publications.